Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  After our morning of wrapping up tests, we enjoyed a small Christmas celebration in the afternoon.  It was a great time!

Reading - Book report due on 1/14/13 and finish novel for our next cafe.
Gym - Test when you return.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mystery Theatre Winner!

Cody wins a Barnes and Noble Gift Certificate!

During the weeks of reading The Westing Game, some ambitious students checked the blog for opportunities to gain bonus points in Reading and earn chances to win a Barnes and Noble gift certificate.  Today, the name was drawn and Cody is our lucky winner.  He now has some money to buy a book or two of his choice!  Congratulations, Cody!

During cafe today, students discussed many theories about Mr. Westing.  Some believe that he has all the heirs fooled and is truly alive!  When asked for an explanation, they think that it's just for kicks!  Some think that there is a deeper reason, but they're not sure what.  The next assignment is to finish the book, and many students couldn't wait to begin reading the next chapter.  It will be fun finding out what Mr. Westing had or HAS up his sleeve!

Math  - Test tomorrow.
Reading - Quizzes tomorrow on vocabulary and comprehension (From a Spark).  Reading and role work is assigned for January 10th.
Spelling - Quiz tomorrow.
Long-Term - Book report is due on 1/14/13
Gym - Shooting test when you return from the holidays.  Practice.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Visit to the Carnegie Museum!

Today was our field trip to the Carnegie Museum!  Enjoy the video of our adventure!

Math - Study guide due tomorrow. Test on Friday.
Reading - Vocabulary quiz tomorrow at the beginning of cafe.  Be prepared with your role!  Test on Friday.
Spelling - Study.  Test on Friday.
Social Studies - Finish your Christmas Around the World project.  Present tomorrow.
Long-Term - Book Report due 1-14-13

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Look What is Decking Our Halls!

The slides above show the Wanted posters that have been submitted and have everyone interested in The Westing Game!  Our cafe is on Thursday, and then we will finish reading the rest of the story.  The class can hardly wait to solve the mystery!

In Social Studies, each student was assigned a country.  The students were given information about their assigned country and asked to create a Venn diagram of information comparing and contrasting Christmas traditions observed in that country compared to Christmas traditions observed in the U.S.  Many had filled their Venn and were drafting a brief essay on the topic.  The information will be presented orally on Thursday afternoon.  We will enjoy learning about Christmas celebrations around the world. 

Tomorrow is our field trip to Pittsburgh!  Please be on time, and don't forget your bag lunch.

Math - Study guide is due on Thursday.  Test on Friday.
Reading - Vocabulary quiz (Westing Game) on Thursday.  Complete reading and role for Thursday's cafe.  Your Wanted poster is due on Thursday.  There will be a quiz on From a Spark on Friday.
Spelling - Quiz on Friday.
Social Studies - Finish Christmas Around the World short essay for presentation on Thursday.
Long-Term Assignment - Book Report is due on 1/14/13
Related Arts - Gym - 9 Spot Shooting test on 1/2/13

Monday, December 17, 2012

Terra Nova Testing

The Terra Nova is a standard achievement test.The results help us to learn more about which skills need further development.The students spent a good portion of the day taking their Terra Nova Tests.  Today's testing involved two sections of Reading & Language Arts, and a short section of Math.  We completed Reading & Language Arts in the morning, and the small portion of Math after lunch.  Following our longer Math section tomorrow morning, the students will be finished.

In Art, with Mrs. Kelly, the students are beginning to draw still life pictures after finishing working with clay. Mrs. Kelly allowed me to take some pictures during her class today as the students worked.  Enjoy!

Math - Dividing Decimals due tomorrow.
Reading - Be prepared with your assigned reading and role for Thursday's Cafe.  Also, your Wanted Poster project is due at that time.
Spelling - Study.  Test on Friday.
Science - Crossword is due tomorrow.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Big Mistake!

We are nearing the end of The Westing Game, and it's been quite a ride! Many students have created and posted their Wanted posters even though the project isn't due until Thursday.  All characters from the book must seem suspicious because they all have made an appearance in the posters.  It seems as though the book has many stumped!  Students are challenged to answer the question posed by the runaway Christmas cookie from the Theodorakis Coffee Shoppe.  It will give them a chance to earn a ticket for a Barnes and Noble gift certificate AND a bonus point.

During Language Arts, we learned about new vocabulary having to do with From A Spark, an excerpt from the popular Hatchet by Gary Paulsen.  The short story and discussion had many wanting to download Hatchet as well as other books by Paulsen and our previous author Jean Craighead George.  It seems that survival / nature stories are a hit.

Group 310 finished the Geography Bee today,  but there were a few absences.  We will give those few a chance to answer their questions before proclaiming a winner.

Math - Dividing Decimals by Decimals due on Tuesday.
Reading - Crossword of vocabulary from The Westing Game is due on Monday.  Complete the reading of 19-22 in the novel and role for Thursday.  Poster is also due.
Science - Crossword puzzle due Tuesday.
Spelling - Study
PSSA Rdg. - Schools: Black and White
Basketball test - 9 spot shooting on Jan. 2

Thursday, December 13, 2012


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The concert, by our own band and chorus groups, directed by Mrs. (Music) McIlvaine and Mr. Gasper was fabulous!  The students were dressed in their holiday best, and the spirit of Christmas could be felt by all!  The evening performance begins at 7:00 p.m.  Please stop in if you have a chance!  You won't be disappointed!

Reading - Crossword of new vocabulary for The Westing Game is due on Monday.  Read up to chapter 23 and prepare your role for Thursday.  Wanted poster project is due on Thursday.
Spelling - Trace +2 due tomorrow.
Science - States Matter
Wellness - Test tomorrow.
PSSA Reading - Schools: Black and White due on Monday.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thinking Readers

During Language Arts we are always practicing strategies that will make us better readers.  Today, we learned more about making predictions.  Although we don't have mystical crystal balls to peer into to make predictions, we can pick up clues in what we read and put them together with information we know to be true to make logical predictions about the story.  The great thing is that we don't have to be correct about our predictions!  The most important thing about making them is that we're thinking about what we're reading.  Then, we read on to find out if what we predicted comes true. We practiced with a few examples and a short story today, but I PREDICT we'll be using this skill a lot more in the next two weeks and beyond.

Only group 308 had Social Studies today, so this group is the only one who finished the Geography Bee preliminary rounds.  Group 308's winner was Devin and the runner-up was Savannah.  Devin did not miss a single question in all seven rounds!  Savannah only missed one!  Impressive! Devin will represent our class in January!  Congratulations to these two students!

The whole chorus and band groups have been practicing hard for tomorrow's concerts.  They will perform in the morning for our school and in the evening for parents and guests.  We are looking forward to this special holiday treat!

Math - Complete packet and practice sheet.
Reading - Share Family Times paper.  Read chapters  19-22 in The Westing Game, complete role and project for next Thursday.  Crossword of new vocabulary is due on Monday.  
Spelling - Trace +2 is due on Friday.
Science - States Matter
Wellness - Test on Friday
PSSA Reading - Article work for Schools: Black and White due on Monday.
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Comprehension, 2 wk.bk. pages, spelling sentence
Math - Reduce fractions - group 1
            Improper fractions - group 2

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gimme a B! Bee!

Rachel and Jack (308)
Brianna and Jordan (310)

In addition to continuing our geography bee, we completed our spelling bee today.  We have two winners on our team who will advance to the whole school bee that will be held in January.  Representing group 308 is Jack, and representing group 310 is Brianna.  Our runner-up for group 308 is Rachel, and the runner-up for 310 is Jordan.  It is never easy to compete in front of your peers, but our team did well.  We congratulate our winners and will be behind them in the school's competition.  Soon, we will have our representatives for the geography bee. 

Our Wanted project is off to a great start!  Since we've been competing in our bees, we had a little time to get our projects closer to completion.  They are looking great!  I'll post pictures when they're ready.

During our open-wall time, students worked at various station activities to enhance skills from grammar (common and proper nouns), non fiction reading and writing (Schools - Black and White), and literature circle projects and reading (The Westing Game).  We will conclude our last station tomorrow during Language Arts, and move on to our next skill: Making Predictions. 

Math - Stained glass - show your work
Reading - Read chapters 19-22 in The Westing Game and complete your role for next Thursday.  Complete poster project for next Thursday.
Science - changes of states
Wellness - test on Friday.  Study.
PSSA Rdg. - Complete Schools: Black and White for Monday.
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - ABC order and 2 wk.bk pages
Math - Division w.s. - group #1 and lesson 39 w.s. - group #2

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Geography Bee Begins!

During a couple Social Studies classes this week, students will be asked geography questions as part of the preliminary rounds of the National Geographic Bee.  Only group 308 had Social Studies today, but we were able to work through three of seven rounds.  By the end of seven rounds, and any tie breaker rounds, we should have our class representative for the Cecil Intermediate Bee to be held in January.  The students did well today with listening to the questions posed and choosing the best answer, as the early rounds allow a choice of answers.

In Language Arts, students used knowledge of the characters in The Westing Game, as well as clues, to determine who they felt is responsible for Sam Westing's murder.  They began working with provided art supplies on their Wanted Poster project.  The projects were taking shape by the end of the period.

Math - wk.bk. p. 23 both sides (308) and p. 22 (310)
Reading - Read chapters 19-22 in The Westing Game and complete role for next Thursday.  Complete poster for next Thursday as well.
Wellness - study your guide for Friday's test.
PSSA RDG. - Complete Schools - Black and White for next Monday.

Mrs. Friday's Group:
Spelling - Stair step, 2 wk.bk pages
Math - Division w.s. group 1 and lesson #38 w.s. - group 2

Friday, December 7, 2012

A Special Concert

Today, our sixth graders were treated to a special concert at Canonsburg Middle School.  It was fun because we were able to see the large jump in performance level that the students can look forward to when they move on next year.  Lesson time increases at the Middle School, but the strong discipline of the group, and the competitions that involve travel and fun made it appealing for those band students at our school.  The band was excellent, and they played several pieces of music that seemed quite difficult.  I was happy to see some former students who made their way to the back to say hello.  It was a lot of fun!

Reading - Read chapters 19 - 22 in novel and complete your role and project for Dec. 20th. Vocabulary quiz on Monday.
PSSA Math - Review rules for Monday.
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Study for test on Monday

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mr. Westing Visits Cafe!

We thought Mr. Westing was pretty smart when he addressed his heirs in his will, but we we're really amazed that he knew we were reading The Westing Game and involved us in his latest game.  Above is the video message he sent to cafe today!  When the students arrived, the bags were already neatly placed on our cafe tables with specific directions for the game.  After hearing Mr. Westing's message, everyone dug in to play.  The game tested our knowledge of the characters, and if played correctly was a perfect chain reaction.  Any player could begin, and we would work our way around all the players to the one who started.  If your child is a part of cafe, please ask them about today's challenge!

The second challenge on today's menu was a new project.  Each member of cafe was asked to think about who is responsible for Sam Westing's murder.  Each student will create a WANTED poster depicting information about the character he/she suspects. The students received project directions, a model, and rubric today.
Mrs. Doman's science classes did an experiment with Miss Doyle today called Monster Muck.  The students performed a series of eight tests on the Monster Muck to investigate whether it was a liquid or solid.   They recorded their observations on a data sheet and tomorrow will discuss the results.

Math - Let's Go Shopping project due tomorrow.
Reading - Vocabulary quiz on Monday.  Read chapters 19-22 in The Westing Game and complete new role.  Role and WANTED project are due on December 20th.  There will be no cafe next Thursday.
Wellness - Ch. 4, Lesson 2 work is due tomorrow along with Fitness Report Card.
PSSA Math - Study your rules.
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - writing assignment and 3X each, study words, 2 wk.bk. pages
Math - Mixed number w.s. - group 1
            Lesson #37 - group 2

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Our School Has Talent!

Today, I had the privilege of listening to our whole sixth grade chorus run through their entire musical performance of Dear Santa A Musical Tweet for Christmas.  I was amazed at the talent!  The soloists did a beautiful job, as well as the great actors and chorus.  The crowd will be thoroughly entertained next Thursday!  Mark your calendars!

Miss Albitz (left) and Miss Doyle (right) are concluding their experiences on our team, this week at Cecil Intermediate.  They will soon graduate and begin a rewarding career!  I wish them the best, and I know that Mrs. Doman, as well as the rest of our staff and students feel the same. 

Math - P 2-4 Finish Let's Go Shopping by Friday.  Study.  Test tomorrow.
Reading - Read chapter 13-18 in The Westing Game and have your role ready for tomorrow.  Complete your vocabulary crossword puzzle.  Quiz on Monday.
Science - Matter w.s. due tomorrow.
Wellness - Ch. 4, lesson 2 vocabulary words and question 1, fitness report card are due Friday.
PSSA Math - Study rules for Monday's class.
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Comprehension sentence, 2 wk. bk. pages
Math - Improper fraction w.s. - group 1
           Lesson #36 w.s. - group 2

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Proper Nouns and Common Nouns

In Language Arts, Miss Albitz reviewed and practiced common and proper nouns with the students.  Using small white boards, the students flashed common nouns for given proper nouns and proper nouns (correctly capitalized) for given common nouns.  They were also given a paragraph with errors in capitalization to correct.  It seems as though everyone is doing well with the skill.  Enjoy the rap above, students!

Miss Albitz concluded her African Art stations today, and the finished products looked great!  The Madiba shirts will be displayed on a clothesline in the hallway!  They look so colorful!  Thanks to Miss Albitz for all her hard work!

Math - R2-4 front only.  Finish Let's Go Shopping.  Test on Thurs.
Reading - Read chapters 13-18 and complete role for cafe.  Quiz tomorrow on A Trouble-Making Crow.
Spelling - Study.  Quiz tomorrow.
Science - Matter w.s. due on Thursday
Wellness - Ch. 4-2, question 1 (p. 134), define 6 voc. words (p. 128), complete fitness report card
Long-term Assignment - Study rules for Math P.S.S.A.

Mrs. Friday's Assignments -
Spelling - ABC Order, 2 wk. bk. pages
Math - Mixed Numbers w.s. - group 1
            Lesson #35 - group 2

Monday, December 3, 2012

Tone and Judgments in Reading

Today in Language Arts, we further studied the story A Trouble-Making Crow by Jean Craighead George.  We looked more closely at the tone the author conveyed when sharing her autobiography about living in rural New York with her young family and unusual pets.  She specifically shared fond memories of the crows her family had as pets.  Our judgments about crows changed a bit as we learned about them through the author's experiences and research.  Some may have found the antics of her crows to be annoying, but the author's words and tone made us see that she had admiration and appreciation for the birds' intelligence.  Her humor in the stories she told helped us to see this.  After a study of words and actions of the author, her family, and the crows, we could see that the crows were thought of as family members and trusted to watch over the children in some instances.We began to look at a prompt which asked if the author of the story would agree with the statement: Crows are good at spotting danger.  We discussed the prompt, organized and gathered information/specific examples from the text, and began writing.  These prompts will be gathered tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to reading what the students think!

In Social Studies, Miss Albitz presented four African Art stations for students to visit as a culmination to her teaching.  The students visited two of the stations today, and they'll visit two stations tomorrow.  In one station, the students designed their own Madiba shirt using bits of colorful fabric.  In station two, they created drums.  Station 3 gave them a chance to make cowry shell jewelry, while in station 4, they were able to write in modern standard Arabic using an alphabet.  The students enjoyed each station they visited and are looking forward to more tomorrow. 

Math - R&P 2-3
Reading - Read chapters 13-18 and complete your role for this Thursday.  Mr. Westing will be paying us a visit!  Complete your final draft of your prompt for A Trouble-Making Crow.  Be ready for your quiz.
Spelling - Study.  Test tomorrow.
Writing - See prompt above
Wellness - Ch. 4, lesson 2 vocab. and question 1 for Friday.  Also, bring your completed Fitness Report Card to class.
Long-term Assignment - PSSA Math, study your rules for next Monday.
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Stairs + 2 wk.bk. pages
Math - Finish 2nd 1/2 of simplifying fractions w.s. - group 1
           Lesson #34 Group 2

Friday, November 30, 2012

Ending the Week on a Good Note!

The students are excited to be playing the piano in Music.  Mrs. (Music) McIlvaine has many electric pianos about the room, and she is teaching them to read music and play.  Casie and Maddie said that today they were able to play a five note song called Penta, and they began work on a song called Spring in China.  What a great opportunity for the students to get to play the piano!  Someone may discover a hidden talent!

Our Language Arts stations got us moving about today and practicing skills.  The stations included practice with proper and common nouns, application of the skill of making judgements using leveled readers, and unscrambling spelling tiles. Additionally, the students were quizzed on select vocabulary words from chapters 8-12 in The Westing Game.  They did very well!  It was busy, busy, busy, and before we knew it, the period was over! 

During class meeting time, we discussed the meaning of EMPATHY and how it helps us in our relationships with others.  We explored empathetic responses, as well as when it is easy or difficult to show empathy.  We are looking for ways to demonstrate empathy  in the week ahead.  I was so pleased with the students' honesty and willingness to share ideas throughout the lesson. 

Sixth graders will be taking a field trip on December 19th!  The permission slip and release were included in today's Friday envelope and is due back on December 7th.  We are excited to take a trip to The Carnegie Museum of Natural History.


Reading - Read chapters 13-18 in The Westing Game and complete newly assigned role.  Also, review vocabulary and the story A Trouble-Making Crow for Tuesday's quiz.
Spelling - Quiz on Tuesday.  Study.
Mrs. Friday's students have no homework. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Guess Who!

The Voki above represents Mystery Theatre #3!  Have fun, and give it a try!

Today, during our reading cafe, first on the menu was a game to test the students' knowledge of the characters in The Westing Game.  Each student placed a character sticker on another student's back.  They were then free to roam the room, asking questions that could help them determine the name of the character on their back.  They could only ask questions requiring a yes or no answer.  They seemed to enjoy the activity.  I hope you enjoy watching them on the video!

We are learning so much more about the characters in the game, but many seem suspicious to us.  Some suspect Sydelle, while others think she's the "mistake" in the game.  Others think that Mr. Hoo has something to hide. The details are leading some to believe that Mr.Westing isn't dead at all!   I'm happy to see that the students are adding to their notes about each character as new information is found. 

There were great discussions today!  The students have some new words to review this evening, including coiffure, pretentious, sappy, impeccable, infirmity, chide, inscrutable, prattle, coincidence, bigot, scoff, and defiant.  The next portion of reading has been assigned!  We are looking forward to a visit from Mr.Westing himself at next week's cafe!  Very scary!

At the end of the day, Riley shared a little about his dad's job in the coal mine.  He works for Consol Energy's BMX mine.  Riley brought in pieces of coal, equipment that his dad wears for safety, and a fossil his dad found on the job.  It was an interesting presentation, and Riley gave each student a piece of coal (made of rubber) or a gas tower (made of rubber) for their own.  Thank you, Riley!

Math - Wk.bk. p. 19, front side
Reading - Read chapters 13-18 and complete your new role for next Thursday.  Also, complete vocabulary puzzle.  Study meanings for tomorrow's quiz.
Spelling - study your words using Spelling City
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Comprehension
Math - Simplifying fractions - group 1
            Lesson 33 - group 2

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Back to Work!

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of talking with parents during our conference day and evening.  It was nice to see so many parents so involved in their children's learning.  Thank you to all who made it!  Know that we can talk at any time through e-mail or over the phone in the weeks ahead.

Although the break was enjoyable, it was great to get back to work!  We read an interesting story today called A Trouble-Making Crow.  Many of us were surprised at how intelligent crows are!  The family in the story had a crow for a pet! The students were guided through the reading by Miss Albitz, who asked many great questions to create discussion and check for understanding.  We are close to finishing and will conclude tomorrow after cafe.

 Here are some interesting facts about crows!
  • Crows are usually black in color all over, but some species are not totally black and are found with white, gray or brown coloring around the neck or the beak.
  • Crows are considered to be very intelligent creatures and have existed since a long time due to their ability to adapt to changing situations. They belong to the corvid family of birds and are highly adaptable to any kind of situation.
  • The Corvus Brachyrhynchos or the Common Crow measures around 20 - 30 cm in length and has a wingspan that is double the size. Their strong and sharp beaks help them rummage for food from almost anywhere.
  • Crows are migratory birds and assemble in huge groups in order to migrate during fall and winters, since they cannot stand harsh climate. A bunch of crows is called as ‘murder’!
  • They are not restricted to a particular habitat and can easily breed and survive in a variety of habitats, which includes mountains, woodlands, plains, farms & fields as well as modern urban areas.
  • The average number of eggs laid by the female is 4 - 7. Both male and female take turns to guard the nest and the male takes the initiative to incubate them. Crows usually have a single mate for life unless one dies or is captured.
  • They are known to be both beneficial as well as a nuisance for farmers. Though they eat up a number of pests that may destroy crops like cutworms, wireworms, grasshoppers, etc. they are also known to destroy a large number of crops by pecking on them, their favorite being corn!

A new program has been developed by the F.B.I. to educate students about internet safety.  Mr. Nealon shared the program with me when he spoke to our class in cafe.  He gave me the information to register the class so that they can benefit.  It's called FBI-SOS (Safe Online Surfing).  It promotes cyber citizenship and teaches students in 3rd through 8th grades how to recognize and respond to online dangers.  I've registered both groups and have posted the link to our blog.  The students also have been issued access key numbers that they may use for the testing portion.  They may begin to explore the lessons, games, scavenger hunts, etc. on line as soon as possible.  Some took a peek at the end of the day. It is hoped that the program will help them stay protected online and become responsible cyber citizens.

The second large group Chorus rehearsal took place today!  I hear that the students are doing a great job, and I'm looking forward to hearing the rehearsal next week when I help with supervision.

Math - p. 18 (both sides)
Reading - Read chapters 8-12 in The Westing Game and complete your role for tomorrow.  Be ready to discuss A Trouble-Making Crow, as well.
Spelling - study
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - none
Math - Mixed numbers - Group 1
            Lesson 32 w.s. - Group 2

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Feeling Thankful

We will soon be taking a bit of a break for the Thanksgiving holiday, and it seems to have gotten here quickly.  During this short week, we've been wrapping up a few activities, taking benchmark tests in Reading and Math, reviewing in Social Studies, and trying to finish novel assignments since we will return to another great cafe.  The students have stayed focused and continue to work hard, but I know they are looking forward to some time away.

I'm feeling thankful for many things this Thanksgiving, and I wanted to share a few.  First of all, I feel fortunate to teach at Cecil Intermediate School!  I enjoy coming to school each and every day to a place with such strong positive energy.  The teachers are enthusiastic, the whole staff is so friendly, and Mr. Chambers is a great leader who keeps everything running smoothly. Every day is new and different!  I love working with my students and appreciate all the support from the parents.  It's my second year in the building, and I already feel as if I'm at home.  It's a wonderful gift for which I'm grateful!

I'm sure that everyone has many things to do over the Thanksgiving break, and I want to wish everyone the best!  Enjoy the activities and your families!  Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Reading - Read chapters 8-12 and complete your role for next Thursday!  Share your Family Times!
Spelling - Trace +2 assignment is due tomorrow.
Writing - If you haven't submitted your personal narrative, final copy is due tomorrow.

Mrs. Friday's Assignments:  NONE

Monday, November 19, 2012

Personal Narratives and Other Things

Last week, each student began brainstorming and organizing for a personal narrative.  They each were to focus on something they're involved in or an event that has had a positive impact on their life.  Over the past week, these stories have taken shape and are quite interesting!  Today, I modeled the process of editing by projecting a student's paper and having the group work through it with me.  We analyzed the paper for fluency; paying close attention to varying the way sentences are started, as well as the length and type.  Spelling, word choice, grammar, and punctuation were also given attention.  Peer editing followed with great success!

During P.S.S.A. prep, Mrs. Doman worked with the class on determining elapsed time.  The students used T charts to record their steps and solve what each problem was asking.  The students did well with each task!

Madagascar was the topic in Social Studies!  The students learned a bit about the people, their clothing, and school on this large island. 

Math - Benchmark test is Wednesday.  Hungry Rabbit sheet and What Should I Choose?
Reading - Read chapters 8-12 in The Westing Game. Complete role for next Thursday.
Writing - Personal Narrative final copy is due on Wednesday.
Social Studies - Vocabulary test tomorrow.
Science - Space Junk packet is due tomorrow.
Mrs. Friday's Group:
NO HOMEWORK for Language Arts or Math

Friday, November 16, 2012

Mix and Match Spirit Day!

We have spirit, yes we do!  We have spirit, how about you? The slides above give you a glimpse into our crazy world of mix and match today!  Students went out of their way to clash and had great fun!

Some of our students, Hannah, Cameron, and Rachel, attended a special event at Duquesne University called Calc-u-Solve.  Mr. Tatum took the group to compete against other schools of the area.  They were enthusiastic when they returned, and said it was great fun.  Although they didn't place, it was a worthwhile experience.

During Language Arts, the students took their fifty word Unit 1 review test in Spelling.  They also applied new vocabulary learned in the first seven chapters of The Westing Game.  Finally, they were able to enjoy moving further with the novel.  Some worked together because they were in a common spot, and others preferred to work alone.  I'm encouraged by how well they are paying attention to the book.  They seemed to know how each vocabulary word was applied in the story.  The characters have really intrigued them!

Group 310 enjoyed using If it Were My Home to compare the U.S. with various African countries.  The site is so interesting and fun to use.  The students can compare any two countries in the world!  The link is on our blog for the students to explore.  Afterward, pairs of students played a memory game to brush up on information for Tuesday's test.  

Our team meeting was a great time!  The students have written letters of appreciation to specific people who have made a positive impact on their lives, in connection with the story we read called The Richest Man in the World.   Today, they excitedly transferred their great ideas onto beautiful stationery, folded the letters, and addressed the envelope.  They were so enthusiastic about making them neat and delivering them.  I proof read the letters beforehand, and I have to say that they were so full of details and heartfelt examples.  I'm sure the recipients will be touched!

Math - Measurement packet
Reading - Read Ch. 8-12 in The Westing Game and complete your role. The next cafe will take place on Thursday, 11-29-12.  Keep watching the blog for Mystery Theatre #3!
Social Studies - Quiz on Tuesday!
No homework for Mrs. Friday's Language Arts and Math groups.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Meet the Characters!

Our first item on today's cafe menu was a character breakfast of sorts.  The Prezi above was shown to the students to get them thinking about the characters they've been introduced to in The Westing Game.  Students were asked to think about the clues, add any others they could think of, and ultimately choose the character.  Words on the foot path were also discussed, such as alibi.  At the end, any characters that were not mentioned were identified and described.  The class has been reading and recording clues as they come up in the story.  They're surprised at how many characters there are to keep track of, as well as how many seem suspicious for various reasons.  Since the Westing Game has truly begun, and the heirs have been paired for the purpose of play, the students are anxious to continue their reading.  Our next cafe will take place the Thursday after Thanksgiving!  By then, we should have all sorts of things to discuss!  Keep watching for Mystery Theatre!

Group 310 had Social Studies today, and they learned more about the culture of South Africa.  They even listened to the alphabet song to hear the sounds made by the various letters in the Africaan (Dutch) alphabet! 

Our Thursday afternoons are busy with Library and Music!  Today was a book trading day, and the students were happy about picking something new.  Some expressed this morning that they were especially looking forward to learning how to play the piano in Music.  Mrs. (Music) McIlvaine has many keyboards on which the students learn the basics of piano.  I'm sure she'll be sharing this on her blog soon!

Math -
Reading - Read Ch. 8-12 in The Westing Game for Thursday, 11/29/12.  Complete your new role!  Complete your vocabulary practice for the novel using the crossword puzzle for tomorrow.  Keep watching the blog for Mystery Theatre #3.
Spelling - Study your Unit 1 review words.  They can be found on Spelling City under links on this blog.  The test is tomorrow.
Writing - Narrative rough draft is due tomorrow.  We will be revising our work!
Social Studies - Vocabulary test on 11/20/12
Wellness - Your fitness report card is due tomorrow.
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Writing assignment, spelling 3X each and study, 2 wk.bk pages
Math - Multiplying fractions wk.sheet - group 1 and Division wk. sheet - group 2

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's a Mystery!

 The mystery of The Westing Game is just beginning!  Most students have read up to chapter 8, and the characters have been paired by Mr. Westing to begin playing the game!  We are all very interested in seeing the clues and figuring out what they mean.  Try Mystery Theatre #2 above, for a chance at a bonus point!  You're name will also be entered in a drawing for a Barnes and Noble gift card!

This morning, students took time to finish their benchmark exams.  I've scored several prompts, and they've been looking good!  The rest of the test will be machine scored, and the results will be posted soon.

In addition, students chose one of their brainstormed ideas and began drafting their personal narratives.  Many of the students had a lot to say on their organizers!  I'm looking forward to hearing reading these great stories. 

This afternoon, students were able to enjoy their Surprise Scramble reward for great citizenship as a team.  They watched a movie version of From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler while enjoying an ice cream sandwich.  The Surprise Scramble message earned was I Scream for Ice Cream!

Math - Worksheet.  Geometry test on Thursday
Reading - Read chapters 3-7 in The Westing Game and complete your role for Thursday.
Spelling - Study Unit 1 Review list on Spelling City.  Test on Friday.
Social Studies - Vocabulary test next Tuesday.  Fable final copies are due tomorrow.
Wellness - Report cards for fitness due on Friday
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - ABC order and 2 wk.bk pages
Math - Division w.s. - group 1 and Dividing by 5 w.s. - group 2

Monday, November 12, 2012

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3...

Today, Language Arts students took their first P.S.S.A. benchmark exam, applying skills pertaining to the first nine weeks worth of skills.  During the test, the students read a fable and two non-fiction selections to which they applied the skills of determining theme, choosing main idea, analyzing details, and attacking unknown words.  Finally, they responded to a prompt related to the third story.  Although testing can cause some anxiety, I feel confident that everyone was prepared for the benchmark.  The results will count in the grade book, but they will also help in determining weaknesses that need to be addressed. 

In addition to testing, Language Arts students worked on brainstorming for a personal narrative that they'll be writing.  Students will write about a something that occurred in their lives that influenced them for the better.  Many have their ideas narrowed down, and they will begin drafting tomorrow. 

African culture is still being studied in Social Studies.  Students saw cultural pictures of South Africa and compared/contrasted our culture with theirs.  So much has been shared and discussed, and the students have enjoyed learning about foods, art, clothing, music, etc. 

Math - Tongue Twister 17 - Group 308 and Forgetful Fred - Group 310  Study! Your Geometry test is on Thursday.
Reading - Read through chapter 7 in The Westing Game.  Complete your role for Thursday.
Spelling - Study your Unit 1 Review list (50 words).  Your test is on Friday.  You can find this special review list on Spelling City.  Study!
Social Studies - Vocabulary test on 11/20
Wellness - Exercise report cards are due on Friday
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Spelling Stair Step and two workbook pages
Math - Division worksheet - Group 1 and Dividing by 5 - Group 2

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Fun!

 We had a great day together, once again. 
Haley and Sinthia try a plantain. 

African culture lesson with Miss Albitz

Opera Ignite Program

Crazy Sock Day

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Welcome to Mystery Theatre!

Students had fun in newly created cafe groups for our first discussion of The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin.  Although we have just scratched the surface of the book, we've read enough to make us wonder about the game, who will be playing, and what it will involve.  We've met a few interesting characters, and we're looking forward to finding out more about them. Discussions went very well today, and several groups were wondering about the claim made in the first chapter that one of the tenants is a bomber, one is a bookie, and one is a mistake.   So far, everyone seems friendly, and we're not sure who these tenants could be.  The Voki above is a way to earn an extra point in Reading.  Once in a while, these characters will show up to keep the students on their toes with the novel. 

During Social Studies, students worked on their fables, which seem to be shaping up nicely.  Final drafts will soon be started!  Then, we can share our tales with others.

Math - Practice page: Pasture problems
Reading - Review The Telephone Call (quiz on vocabulary and story tomorrow).  Read Chapters 3,4,5,6,and 7 of The Westing Game for next Thursday.  Complete your newly assigned role.
Spelling - Study!  Quiz tomorrow.
Science - Alien materials
Wellness - Chapter 4-1 questions and vocabulary due on Friday, along with Fitness Report Card
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Writing Assignment, spelling 3Xeach, study, and 2 wk.bk. pages
Math - 1/2 Simplify fractions - group 1
            4 tables w.s. - group 2

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

An Exciting Election Day!

Some of us returned to school today a little sleepy.  It was exciting to watch the results of our presidential election on television last night.  We watched to see who won each state's electoral votes, and it was a close race. President Obama ended with 303 electoral votes, while Mitt Romney had 206.  President Obama had a total of 59,725,608 votes, and Mitt Romney had 57,098,650.   In the end, President Obama was elected to serve the country as our president for the next four years.  What an exciting day it was!

We enjoyed an exciting day of learning today, too!  In Language Arts, we worked on combining sentences to make them more fluent.  Some pairs of sentences had common subjects, and others had common predicates.  We worked to combine subjects or predicates to avoid having them sound choppy.  We will continue to practice with many examples.  

In Social Studies, we explored the culture of western Africa.  The students saw a short National Geographic video clip, and they viewed many pictures of art, traditional dress, food, etc.  They also worked on their fables.  Many are shaping up nicely.

Math - Pg. 106 (both sides)
Reading - Read Ch. 1&2 in The Westing Game.  Complete role for cafe. 
Writing - Combining sentences activity
Science - Bring in alien materials
Wellness - Ch. 4-1 questions and vocabulary due Friday, along with exercise log.
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - comprehension, sentences, 2 wk.bk. pages
Math - 1/2 Simplifying Fractions w.s. - group 1 and 4 Tables w.s. - group 2

Monday, November 5, 2012

Catch That Sentence!

Now that students are familiar with simple sentences, fragments, dependent clauses, independent clauses, compound and complex sentences, we are taking a look at run-on sentences.  Run-on sentences are common, and today we learned about options we have for fixing them.  The video above will help you to review the punctuation needed.

The Telephone Call was a story we read at the end of last week, but never reviewed due to all that was going on, such as our wax museum and Mr. Nealon's visit.  Today, Miss Albitz conducted a thorough discussion of the story.  The characters and how they dealt with their grief was analyzed.  In the story, the characters came to the conclusion that there are some things that we'll never understand in this world. Particularly confusing in this story was dealing with change and death.  Although this story was sad, many of us go through a family crisis from time to time.  Hopefully the students will draw some comfort from how these characters were able to cope.
Students heard the first chapter of The Westing Game read to them today.  They were given new cafe groups, a character log, and a new role for this Thursday's cafe.  Since the cafe will take place on Thursday, students are only assigned two chapters.  Already they can see that there will be many clues to pay attention to in this new novel.  I know they'll have fun reading!


Math - cryptograph paper
Reading - Read chapters 1 and 2 in The Westing Game.  Take notes on characters and complete your role for Thursday.
Spelling - Study your words!  Visit Spelling City for practice!
Writing - Fragments and Run-ons practice sheet
Science - Bring in alien materials
Wellness - Ch. 4-1 vocabulary and questions for Friday.  Also bring exercise report card (week#1)
Mrs. Friday's Homework:
Spelling - Stairstep, 2 wk.bk pages
Math - Reducing fraction 1/2 w.s. - Group 1 and 4 Tables - Group 2

Friday, November 2, 2012

Mr. Nealon Kicks-off Our New Novel!

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We felt fortunate to receive a visit from Mr. Nealon in Language Arts today.  He came as a primary source to help us build background knowledge for our new novel, The Westing Game, by Ellen Raskin.  The novel is a mystery, and there are many interesting characters who all seem suspicious as the plot unfolds.  Mr. Nealon works for the F.B.I., and he shared the meanings of important vocabulary words such as alibi, witness,evidence, etc., as well as how he goes about solving mysteries in his line of work.  In addition, he shared important information, including testimonies, about cyber bullying and crimes stemming from texting/Facebook.  The examples he shared were valuable and pertinent.

Our team meeting was fun today!  Since we rarely get the chance to chitchat, I took the opportunity to touch base with everyone.  I wanted  to find out how they feel about school, since our first grading period is over.  I heard many positive messages today about how the students feel about learning, their friends, etc.  The best news I heard is that a great majority shared that they have not come in contact with bullies.  There are still times when friends hurt their feelings, but the atmosphere is improving.  This was great news!  We began to think about our next special project (a surprise), but we had to take off for Music.

The students are looking forward to Activity Night tonight!  The tickets for this event were handed out at the end of the day, along with Friday folders and test packets.  I hope everyone has a great time!

Reading - We will begin our novel on Monday.
Spelling - Continue to study your words

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wax Museum is a Hit!

Our cafe literature groups shared the novel From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler with our whole school today in an exciting wax museum display.  The gymnasium walls were completely decorated with art work depicting the students' favorite scenes from each chapter of the novel.  Students completed the scenes by acting as characters (frozen as wax figures), complete with furniture and props.  Classical music, provided by Mrs. (Music) McIlvaine, and a more dimly lit gymnasium, were the finishing touches.  The result was convincing, and many teachers and students expressed their enthusiasm.  A movie trailer of the museum is being created, and it will soon be added to this post for your enjoyment.

Other than the Wax Museum project, students attended Music/Technology and visited the Library for an exchange of books.

Reading - Make sure you've read The Telephone Call.  Review your vocabulary words.
Social Studies - Complete your organizer for your fable.

Mrs. Friday's Group:
Spelling - Writing, 3Xeach/study, 2 workbook pages
Math - Simplifying fraction w.s. 1/2 - group 1
            1/2 4 table w.s. - group 2

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

C.I.S. Rocks Against Drugs and Bullying!

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Today, students received a special treat by getting to attend a concert by a band in which our own Mr. Tatum keeps the beat called Tree of Silent.  The group was here as a part of our Olweus Bullying program and Red Ribbon Week. 

The Telephone Call, an excerpt from Meet the Austins, by award winning author Madeleine L'Engle, was a story we began reading in Language Arts today.  It is a classic realistic fiction story about a family going through a crisis.  Before reading, we discussed ways that we deal with crisis situations in our families.  Words such as bewilderment, cope, objective, orphan, and tactful were thoroughly discussed and predictions were made about how the words would come up in the story.  We knew that the telephone call would bring bad news, and we want to find out how the family would cope. 

Today was team chorus day.  The majority of our team participates in chorus, and they are busily preparing music for the winter concert. I'm sure today's concert gave everyone in the chorus some inspiration!

Reading - Finish reading The Telephone Call.  Come prepared for The Wax Museum with any costumes or props necessary.
Social Studies - Make sure your organizer is complete for the fable you'll be writing.
Science - Sun article due on Thursday

Mrs. Friday's Students:
Spelling - Comprehension, sentence, and 2 workbook pages
Math - 1/2 simplifying fraction w.s. - Group 1
            4 tables w.s. - Group 2

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sandy Causes a Delay

A Super Storm (Sandy) hits the Northeast
Although we heard so much about this huge storm before it hit, none of us could imagine the impact it would have on so many people.  So many people have been affected by it, particularly New York and New Jersey.  The heavy rain and strong winds forced schools around the area to delay starts or cancel.  We're happy that our area was able to maintain power and avoid experiencing flooding.  Also, we were able to attend school!

During Social Studies, students were introduced to a cultural tour of East Africa, particularly the country of Kenya.  Many pictures involving foods eaten, sports played, music, dance, clothing, and schools were explored.  The students also began work on organizing for fable writing.  They will write to a specific theme using animals found in Africa as characters.



Reading - No new assignment due to missing class today.  Complete reading pgs. 104-105 and complete practice book p. 41.
Spelling - Trace +2 is due tomorrow.
Science - Sun article is due on Thursday
Social Studies - Make an effort to add to your organizer for your fable.  Work must show progress.  
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - ABC order, complete your 2 wk.bk. pgs.

Monday, October 29, 2012

PINK Power!

Before we say goodbye to October, we wanted to show our Pink Power in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Many people have worn their pink throughout the month, but we called a special day to show our support for this battle. 

When we weren't putting the finishing touches on our Wax Museum project due this Thursday, we were learning about character analysis.  This is not a new skill, since we analyze characters each week for cafe, but it is one that will be important in our upcoming novel.  The Westing Game is a mystery with many characters.  We will be analyzing what they do, what they say, and what others say about them in the weeks ahead.  Our new story is a realistic fiction story called  The Telephone Call. We will study and discuss the characters in this short story, as well, and find out how they deal with a tragic incident. 

During P.S.S.A. prep, we applied the skills we learned throughout the nine weeks involving main idea, theme, details, word power, and others.  We applied the skills to three short stories, along with questions posed similarly to the P.S.S.A.  Everyone seemed to be on the right track when we reviewed today. 

We enjoyed learning more about World leaders and events in Social Studies today.  Our Junior Scholastic magazines have interesting and current information, and we enjoyed exploring and discussing the information.  Part of our exploration included matching countries with world leaders.  Other parts made us think more deeply about the information we read.  For instance - What should the U.S. leaders do to help ensure that Afghanistan doesn't descend into chaos after U.S. troops leave the country by the end of 2014?

Math - Angle worksheet
Reading - Share new Family Times.  Read pgs. 104-105 and complete p. 41 in practice book.
Spelling - Trace +2 due on Wednesday.
Wellness - Dwarf planets are due tomorrow.
Mrs. Friday's class:
Spelling - Stairstep, 2 pgs.
Math - Reducing fraction w.s. - group 1 and 1/2 w.s. division facts. - group 2

Friday, October 26, 2012

Team Jersey Day!

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My apologies for not posting yesterday, but I was not in school.

Today marks the end of the 2012 Red Ribbon Week for Drug Awareness.  The students seemed to enjoy all the activities scheduled for each of the five days, as well as Mr. Barzan's visit on Monday.  The students and teachers sported their favorite team jerseys to "TEAM UP AGAINST DRUGS!"  I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Language Arts students took quizzes today on spelling a list of words with r-controlled vowels, vocabulary for Hot Dogs and Bamboo Shoots, and comprehension of the same story.  When finished with quizzes they enjoyed a special edition of Junior Scholastic on World Affairs.  We will continue our discussion of this special edition on Monday.  It has many interesting articles.

During Team Meeting, we concluded work on our delicious Friendship Recipes, with goodies such as Caring Cupcakes, Best Friend Bagels, Friendly Pie, Kindness Cookies, Bro-ski Brownies, and Buddy Cake. These delicious recipes will be shared in the hallway with other students.


Don't forget that your Dwarf Planets are due on Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Spirit Day!

As part of Red Ribbon Week, we teamed together to show our school spirit by wearing Canon-Mac's blue and gold.  In this picture, Cassie and Maddie give a thumbs up for staying drug-free!

In Language Arts, students stayed in the spirit of cooperation by working on their beautiful backdrops which are coming along nicely.  Again, I was amazed at how quietly and diligently they worked.  The Wax Museum is going to be fantastic.

Culture was the topic of discussion in Social Studies, as we take a closer look at the people who live in the various regions of Africa.  Miss Albitz began the new set of lessons yesterday with an interesting video, pictures, and an overview of what the students will be learning.  Today, each child created a culture carpet, depicting aspects of culture.  If your child is in this class, ask him/her about the assignment!

Math - Line packet
Reading - Test on Hotdogs and Bamboo Shoots this Friday.  Please review.
Spelling - Practice your words on Spelling City!  Test this Friday.
Writing - Complete the exercises on pg. 19-20 in your grammar book for tomorrow.
Science - Planets sheet is due tomorrow.
Wellness - Lesson 1 - Ch. 3 quiz on Friday

Spelling - Comprehension Question, Spelling sentence, and your 2 workbook pages
Math - Group 1, division w.s.
            Group 2, division fact w.s.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Preparing for the Museum

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During Language Arts this morning, students worked with their cafe groups on their assigned chapter for the Wax Museum to take place on November 1st.  I was proud of how well the students worked with each other to plan and accomplish each task.  We used the hallway's nice smooth surface to work on the large backdrops for our planned scenes.  Enjoy the slideshow!

Due to today's theme for Red Ribbon Week, there were many rock stars in school, sending the message that Our School Rocks Drug-Free!  The picture above shows a few rock stars who were rockin' the message. 

The Drug-Free message continued as part of our Wellness lesson today.  Miss Doyle (Mrs. Doman's student teacher) had everyone create footballs complete with our goals.  The footballs read Instead of doing drugs, my goal is _____________________.  Students also reviewed refusal skills and put them into action with skits for the class.  We all plan to refuse drugs forever.  They can do nothing but hinder the great plans we have for our lives. 


Spelling - Complete spelling practice page 16 for tomorrow.
Science - Planet worksheet due on Thursday.
Wellness - Study your study guide for Friday's test.

Mrs. Friday's Language Arts and Math Groups:
Spelling - ABC order and two workbook pages
Math - Fraction worksheet