Monday, June 6, 2011

Until We Meet Again....

This is our final USS Enterprise blog for the 2010-2011 school year! We are amazed at how quickly the year has passed. It was difficult to say good-bye to everyone at school today, but we had fun reflecting on our memories through our beautiful new yearbooks. Everyone had a chance to write messages, give hugs, and say farewell for the year. We wish you a safe and restful summer, as well as a successful 7th grade year at C-M Middle School. We know that you are well prepared for this new adventure, but always know that you'll be part of Team USS Enterprise for all times!

Mrs. Haddox and Mrs. McIlvaine

Field Day! Hooray!

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Today was Field Day! Everyone had a wonderful time! We want to thank Mr. Pietras and all the great parent volunteers who ran the events and helped in the cafeteria. We're thankful that you care about us so much.

Tomorrow is our last half day together! Students, please bring your lunch tags to turn in to your teacher. Our new yearbooks are in, and we'll all get to meet and sign autographs. Bring a pen to use!

Enjoy the sunshine!