Saturday, January 15, 2011

Remembering a Great American

Do you have a dream? In America, we are free to pursue our dreams! Unfortunately, this was not always so for all people in our country. On Monday, we will learn more about a great American who led a peaceful movement in our country for civil rights. Above is a clip from his most famous speech.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Wrapping Things Up!

Our team finished the week with a busy Friday! Mr. Pietras gave us important information about the upcoming Jump-a-thon! We are to hold onto our pledge envelopes until February. We are to collect pledges until then. It will be fun jumping for a good cause. Also, in Phys. Ed., we have been exercising our arm muscles by seeing how many chin-ups we're capable of doing. We hope you enjoy our pictures!

Language Arts: Read pages 31-67 in The Westing Game. Complete your role for next Thursday.
Math: (202) page 151, 10-21; (204) side 44 of worksheet
Science: E 72-75, define vocabulary
Please remember to bring in an AR Book!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What a Character!

Team Enterprise has been enjoying The Westing Game! The story is a great mystery and has varied and interesting characters. As we read, we take notes on these characters and their actions, to help us solve the mystery. In McD's Cafe, we played a character match game with our groups, matching names and clues. It was a challenge to build the chart of physical and personal qualities of various characters based on what we read in the first six chapters, but we enjoyed trying. Mrs. McIlvaine and Mrs. Haddox modeled a discussion before we met in our own groups. Mr. Westing loved to play games! We can't wait to see which character wins his estate.

Our Language Arts groups also met with Mrs. McIlvaine to review each item on the first Benchmark Test. Team Enterprise did well on the test, but by going over each item, we are reviewing good test taking strategies that will help us on future exams.

Writing - Tomorrow, we will type our final paper of Whose Shoes in lab. If you had any adjustments to make on your draft, please do so tonight. We will complete the assignment tomorrow.
Language Arts - Continue your reading of The Westing Game (pages 31-67), and begin working on your new role.
Science - Extra credit is due on Tuesday

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day!

Enjoy your snow day! Have fun! Be safe!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We Have the Write Stuff!

Team Enterprise continued to work on our Whose Shoes assignment today. We examined our drafts and edited our work, improving sentence structure, word choice, leads, and fluency. When our essays are in good form, we plan to mount them in the hallway separately from pictures of our shoes. We want to challenge readers to match our descriptions with our shoes.

We also wrote to answer a prompt relating to The Day of the Turtle. In this historical fiction story, Laura (our main character), and her grandmother worked together to save the stranded sea turtle. To answer the prompt, we told what steps they took to do this. The class agreed on an organizer for information we found in the text, and our writing went smoothly.

In Science, we are discovering the characteristics of heat and pressure. In the 1700's, the Montgolfier brothers of France designed, built, and flew in the first hot air balloon. The students were asked the question: How does a hot balloon work? This 5 point extra credit question needs to be either typed or written and be turned into Mrs. Haddox by Tuesday, January 19th.
Math students today continued to create factor trees with composite numbers. Tomorrow we will learn about the GCF. Do you know what that stands for?

Language Arts - Read Chapters 1 through 6 (ending w/pg. 31) in The Westing Game. Prepare your role for Thursday.
Math: (202) Factor Tree Worksheet; (204) page 151, 7-21
Science: (202) Read E 72-77 and define words; (204) Read E 72-77


Monday, January 10, 2011

Whose Shoes?

Team Enterprise had the opportunity to describe their favorite shoes today in Writing. We created a list of adjectives using our senses (minus taste) as we examined our shoes. We discussed examples of similes, metaphors, and personification that could help to produce clear images in our reader's mind. We also heard examples of leads that would grab our reader's attention. (Ex. I know they're not magic, but when I wear my favorite shoes, I feel faster and stronger than Superman. OR... My shoes could make the crankiest feet sigh in relief.) Notes to help us in our efforts to organize and draft were taken in class. We will continue to draft this evening.
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Prime and Composite Numbers were on everyone mind’s in Math class today! The students used the Sieve of Eratosthenes to determine the prime numbers, 1 through 100. Using the Promethean Board and mini white boards, we practiced prime factorization using factor trees.
Just a reminder that Mrs. Haddox will be giving the Rules of Divisibility Quiz tomorrow. Study the Trick Sheet!

Math: (202) Worksheet 3-2; (204) Factor Tree Worksheet
All Math Classes**Divisibility Quiz tomorrow!
Science: (204) Definition worksheet
Wellness: (204) Page 125, Numbers 1-3, define definitions and give an example of each
Writing - Finish draft of "Whose Shoes?"
Reading - Read pages 1-31 in The Westing Game and complete your role for Thursday.