Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cafe Day!

We are nearing the end of our novel, From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, and it has been an entertaining story.  During cafe, many interesting conversations could be heard.  Questions such as -  "How do you think this will end?", or comments such as, "I don't think I could be without my dog this long.  I would miss him too much." could be heard.  We all want to know how Claudia and Jamie will return home.  By next cafe, we'll know! 

Along with cafe, we met for our weekly class meeting.  Today's topic involved bullying in the cafeteria.  Most students say that this is one place where some bullying occurs.  Name calling, foul language, and other offensive things can happen without adults noticing.  We had a great discussion, and one of the best things to happen was to find out how confident we are feeling when it comes to intervening when bullying is happening.  Many of us feel more inclined to step in than we had at the beginning of the school year. 

Today is progress report day!  It'll be the last one for this school year.  The main thing to remember is that the year is not over!  Don't let up!  Keep working hard!

Reading - Finish novel!  New roles will be assigned tomorrow.  Your vocabulary quiz will be given tomorrow.
Math - Shape and prediction packet
Spelling - Study your homophones
Social Studies - Quiz tomorrow.
Science - Quiz tomorrow
Wellness - Assignment is due tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Special Visit

Today we received a special visit from our Canonsburg Middle School counselors, Mr. Gillespie and Mrs. Hedderman.  They were here to share a bit about what we can expect as we make the transition to the middle school.  Our actual visit to tour the school is coming up in two weeks!  We're all getting pretty excited about the tour and our big move!

Reading - Read chapters 7 & 8 in 'From the Mixed-up Files...' and complete your role for Thursday.  Also, study your vocabulary.  Complete practice book p. 142 for tomorrow.
Math - Complete practice page minus #3
Spelling - Spelling prac. book p. 60 for tomorrow.
Writing - D.A.R.E. essay is due tomorrow.
Science - Quiz on Friday
Wellness - Read p. 328 - 330 and complete questions 1-5 for Friday

Monday, April 30, 2012

Thinking About Theme

Theme is the skill in Reading for the coming week in connection with our new story, The Night of the Pomegranate.  In order to review and practice this skill of determining the underlying message an author is trying to convey, we played with some short fables.  In fables, animals take on human characteristics and the stories are meant to give a lesson.  We had fun reading the fables, choosing a theme from those that Mrs. Mac had displayed, and siting evidence for our choice.  Some of the stories were pretty funny!  Enjoy the slideshow of our fun with fables!

Our new spelling list may drive us a bit crazy this week, but Mrs. Mac is thrilled about it!  It is a list of homophones, and they're words we often misspell.  Everyone will have to think about what each word means and how it is used.  They are not interchangeable, as some believe! 

This afternoon, each student presented his/her museum room to the class!  Some were very interesting and colorful!  We also pretended our room was a museum at the end and visited each room!  Maybe we should think seriously about this special museum!  Canonsburg would be the perfect place for one!

Reading - Share your new 'Family Times' paper!  Complete your new vocabulary puzzle for our novel. 
Read chapters 7 and 8 in 'From the Mixed-up Files...' and work on your role for cafe. 
Math - Sudsy Solids
Spelling - Trace plus 2 for new homophone list
Writing - D.A.R.E. essay is due this Wednesday
Science - Quiz this Friday
Wellness - pages 328-330, questions 1-5 due this Friday