Friday, December 10, 2010


In Wellness, we discussed the changes a family can face when moving. We brainstormed different ways to make the family ease into the transition. On Monday, we will share ideas with the class.

Math classes worked on an enriching lesson pushing their knowledge of decimals. Some of the students worked with Mrs. Haddox and reviewed Chapter 2. We had fun using the mini-white boards to teach each other!

Friday’s are our easy day! Students completed Math and Language Art’s centers from Wednesday in Miss Cataldo’s class today. Also, both classes took their quiz on Midnight for Charlie Bone today in the computer lab. We reviewed our Travel Journals in class and room 202 got a little more practice with identifying the setting of a story.

Language Arts: Finish guided reading questions #1 – 17 (complete sentences) if you have not done so. We will review these on Monday in class.

Charlie Bone: Finish reading novel and complete role by Thursday 12/16.

Social Studies: Chapter 2, Section 1 Quiz Wednesday 12/15.

Looking ahead:
Language Arts: “Stom-a-Dust” comprehension/vocabulary/spelling tests next Thursday 12/16.

**Special Reminders:
- Sarris “Reading Makes Cents” money due by Wednesday 12/15
- Please bring in signed progress reports for Monday if you have not done so!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Progress Reports!

Progress Reports have been sent home today. Please review the grades and comments with your child.

In Reading class we finished reading our new story titled “Storm-a-dust.” Students facilitated a nice discussion about the story during class. Also, today we were able to identify the full setting of the story as taking place on a Lindy’s family farm in the year 1975.

Students were full of energy today during McD’s CafĂ©! Each student was responsible to develop a challenging question from the new reading. Literary circle teams “faced-off” in a competition to see which group could answer the most questions correctly. We ended up with a two way tie!

In Science today, the students finished their Volcano Flyers. They are bright and informational!


Language Arts: “Storm-a-Dust” comprehension questions. These are to be answered in complete sentences.

Charlie Bone: FINISH the book and complete new role for next Thursday, 12/16.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We were working hard today!

Mrs. H's classes had not only a math test, but a science test today! She is extremely happy with the science tests. This week we will be discussing open-ended problems in Math and starting energy in science.

We began reading “Storm-a-Dust” today in Reading class. So far we know that a terrible drought is going on, and Lindy’s family is having trouble growing crops. We had to stop as soon as we discovered that the “twig” in the wall of dust was actually a person trying to outrun the dust storm! I wonder who this person is and what role they will take on in our story. We’ll find out tomorrow!

Writing classes continued to practice proper usage of possessive nouns. Also, we continued to work on creating strong topic sentences with important supporting details.

Section 1 in Social Studies is complete! Today we learned all about Feudalism and its society. At the bottom were the serfs, who made up 90% of the population. Above the serfs were the nobles, made up of knights, lords, and the king. Students are looking forward to their upcoming blog entry on Alexander the Great! Our quiz on Section 1 will be sometime next week.

Charlie Bone: Read p. 262 – 342 and complete role for TOMORROW!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Social Studies we are learning about Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

Our new story in Reading class is called “Storm-a-Dust.” We looked over our new vocabulary and spelling words. The skill for this story is setting. Students practiced identifying the setting, or time and place, of a story. The setting of a story can influence what happens to a character and how the character behaves. Finally, we continued practice with possessive nouns in both Reading and Writing classes. Remember: we only add an apostrophe to form the possessive of plural nouns that end in -s.
Add a -‘s to the plural noun children because it does not end in -s = children’s books
Add a -s to the plural noun chickens because the plural form of this word contains a -s = chickens’ feathers

Math classes and science classes reviewed for their tests today. Math classes have a test on decimals. Science classes have a test on volcanoes.

Language Arts: Trace +2
Charlie Bone: Read p. 262 – 342 and complete role by Thursday 12/9
Math: Test on Chapter 2, decimals
Science: Test on Volcanoes. Study your study guide!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Snowy Monday!

We were quite interested in the snowfall amounts this afternoon!

In Math today, we started to review for our Math test. We are reviewing Chapter 2, Lessons 5 through 9. The test will be on Wednesday.

In Science, we are getting quite creative! Using Publisher, we are designing a flyer that showcases a volcano. Through research on the internet and in the library, we are gathering our facts. Mrs. Haddox is quite impressed with our flyers so far!

Social Studies classes continued to learn about ancient Europe. We are focusing specifically on the states of Greece and Rome. We learned how ideas from ancient times, such as the idea of democracy created by Athenians, is still used today.

In Writing, we practiced using apostrophes with singular and plural possessive nouns. We learned three important rules to remember!

We completed a writing prompt in Reading from last week's story "From a Spark." Details were chosen from the text to provide support for how the author created suspense at the beginning of the story. Miss C was very proud of how hard we worked!

Math: Page 104, Numbers 1-16, Letters A-F; Review for your Wednesday Test
Science: Volcano Flyer due at the end of computer lab on Friday. Make sure you use your rubric to check your work!
Language Arts: Writing- grammar worksheet p. 55 parts B and C. Please remember that you do NOT have to rewrite the sentences!
Charlie Bone: Read pages 262-342 and complete role for this Thursday.