Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Social Studies we are learning about Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

Our new story in Reading class is called “Storm-a-Dust.” We looked over our new vocabulary and spelling words. The skill for this story is setting. Students practiced identifying the setting, or time and place, of a story. The setting of a story can influence what happens to a character and how the character behaves. Finally, we continued practice with possessive nouns in both Reading and Writing classes. Remember: we only add an apostrophe to form the possessive of plural nouns that end in -s.
Add a -‘s to the plural noun children because it does not end in -s = children’s books
Add a -s to the plural noun chickens because the plural form of this word contains a -s = chickens’ feathers

Math classes and science classes reviewed for their tests today. Math classes have a test on decimals. Science classes have a test on volcanoes.

Language Arts: Trace +2
Charlie Bone: Read p. 262 – 342 and complete role by Thursday 12/9
Math: Test on Chapter 2, decimals
Science: Test on Volcanoes. Study your study guide!

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