Friday, December 10, 2010


In Wellness, we discussed the changes a family can face when moving. We brainstormed different ways to make the family ease into the transition. On Monday, we will share ideas with the class.

Math classes worked on an enriching lesson pushing their knowledge of decimals. Some of the students worked with Mrs. Haddox and reviewed Chapter 2. We had fun using the mini-white boards to teach each other!

Friday’s are our easy day! Students completed Math and Language Art’s centers from Wednesday in Miss Cataldo’s class today. Also, both classes took their quiz on Midnight for Charlie Bone today in the computer lab. We reviewed our Travel Journals in class and room 202 got a little more practice with identifying the setting of a story.

Language Arts: Finish guided reading questions #1 – 17 (complete sentences) if you have not done so. We will review these on Monday in class.

Charlie Bone: Finish reading novel and complete role by Thursday 12/16.

Social Studies: Chapter 2, Section 1 Quiz Wednesday 12/15.

Looking ahead:
Language Arts: “Stom-a-Dust” comprehension/vocabulary/spelling tests next Thursday 12/16.

**Special Reminders:
- Sarris “Reading Makes Cents” money due by Wednesday 12/15
- Please bring in signed progress reports for Monday if you have not done so!

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