Friday, April 27, 2012

Unsung Heroes

What a great end to the school week!  This morning, we began our day with a special tribute to some of Cecil's unsung heroes.  We honored our police, firemen, paramedics, and others who offer their services to our community. After saying our pledge and singing the national anthem, we heard from Mr. Chambers, who shared a few words about the importance of the work these people do.  Mrs. McIlvaine led the 5th grade chorus in a beautiful patriotic song about the Unsung Hero in their honor.  Finally, the group was escorted to the cafeteria for a delicious breakfast with students who are involved in service organizations, like the Boy and Girl Scouts.  The special event was organized by Mrs.Crys Deming and was a great success.  It's so important to say thanks.  


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Science Fun!

A big thanks goes out to CISPO for once again sponsoring an interesting day of learning fun! Today, we were treated to Ion Jones and the Lost Castle of Chemistry, a Carnegie Science Center program.  The program started in the gym where we met Ion Jones himself.  He shared information about elements and chemical reactions.  We watched him eat a candle, or so we thought, and cause explosions.  Later, we visited hands-on stations where we had great fun.  Thanks, CISPO!

Due to the program and students being away for 'Take Your Child to Work Day,' we spent our extra periods working on our D.A.R.E. essays, museum projects, and our reading and roles for cafe.  We also visited with Mrs. Shuman in the Library.

Reading - Be ready for cafe! Also, bring your museum assignment. Spelling - Be ready for test.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Great Performances!

Finally, here are our performances of 'Who's On First?' Each class did a nice job of speaking out and using good expression! Enjoy! We worked diligently on our essays for our final D.A.R.E. project. Some of us typed and others worked more on our drafts. They are shaping up and will soon be ready. In addition to receiving a grade on the writing, one student per class will be chosen for recognition on the day of D.A.R.E. graduation. Since the week has been shortened a bit, due to yesterday's In-service for teachers and our science program, Ion Jones, taking place tomorrow, additional time was given to complete reading and roles for this week's cafe. Cafe has been moved to Friday. Homework: Reading - Review your vocabulary for Casey At the Bat and our novel. Review the narrative poem before tomorrow. Cafe has been moved to Friday. Prepare your roles for chapters 5 and 6. Spelling - Study! Quiz tomorrow on the assigned list for Casey At the Bat. Writing - Continue any editing necessary for your essay.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Baseball, Hotdogs, Apple Pie!

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On Friday in Language Arts, we continued our Baseball study. We've enjoyed the classic narrative poem 'Casey At the Bat' and Abbott and Costello's comedy routine 'Who's On First?'. We dressed for our speaking parts, and nearly everyone performed their piece of the classic comedy routine. We hope to film the last couple pairs of students tomorrow so that the two short films can be posted for everyone to enjoy. Just for fun, here is a slideshow of our comedy pairs as they performed on Friday. Look for our rendition of 'Who's On First?' this week!