Thursday, May 10, 2012

Storyboards with Solutions

Class meetings this year have been productive and fun!  Most of us believe we've seen a difference in the way students are treating each other.  This is not to say that bullying situations do not exist, but a good many of us feel better prepared to deal with situations in a positive, firm way.  Today, we discussed one of the most frequent areas for problems to occur, the school bus.  In our groups, we worked on storyboards depicting a real situation (without names) or a reasonably common one.  Our boards had to end with a positive solution for the situation.  There were great conversations heard about the room, and everyone seemed to be thinking of the best way to solve the problems.  There was great team work!  Our storyboards will be presented next week in our meeting.  Enjoy the slideshow!

In Language Arts, we enjoyed a wrap-up with final discussion of 'From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.'  We enjoyed the story, and today we had fun thinking about what lesson the author conveyed to us, which character we most identified with, and so on.  Some students expressed that they wished for a sequel to the story.  There were some questions they wished the author would have answered.  We are all looking forward to sharing this story with classes from Cecil Intermediate through our wax museum project!  Fun!

Social Studies - Review Ch. 1 East Asian Geography.  We will play a game review tomorrow, and the test will be next Tuesday.
Wellness - Complete questions 1-4 (pages 332-335) for tomorrow
Reading - The final test for our novel will be tomorrow.  

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Creating a Special Museum

Hey, is that President Obama?  No,'s a wax figure!  Wow, it's hard to see a difference! 

Our class is nearing the end of From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler and have enjoyed the adventure of Claudia and Jamie as they lived in a museum, hiding from their parents.  We are in the process of planning a wax museum, with Ms. Rader's classes, to depict scenes from each chapter of the novel.  Who will serve as the wax figures?  The students!  It will be interesting to see if everyone can hold their poses without talking or moving in any way!  We think the project will be interesting and fun, and we're looking forward to inviting the school to our wax museum!

Reading - Finish the novel and complete your role for Thursday's cafe!  Study vocabulary!  Quiz on 'The Night of the Pomegranate' tomorrow.
Spelling - Study your homophones!  Quiz tomorrow.
Social Studies - Quiz on Ch. 1-3 East Asian Natural Resources tomorrow.
Wellness - Read pages 332 - 335 and complete 1-4