Friday, November 19, 2010

Dodgeball Tournament!

Sixth Grade is trying to win a place in the schoolwide Dodgeball Tournament! The students have been challenged to gather pledges for every point that they earn on the Accelerated Reader tests between November 1 through December 3. If Sixth Grade earns enough pledges, they can participate in the tournament against Fifth Grade. The more money we raise, the higher rank we receive on the tournament bracket. The money earned will go to the new Frank Sarris Public Library! There will be pledge forms in their Friday Folders!

Also in the Enterprise Friday Folder are the times for your scheduled Teacher Conferences on November 30th. All conferences will take place in Mrs. Haddox's (202) room. Please note that each meeting is ten minutes in length. When you arrive and it is your scheduled time, please knock on the door. Miss Cataldo and I look forward to speaking with you!

Math classes today continued multiplying decimals. We used the mini-white boards to practice our skills! Monday we will begin dividing decimals.

Language Arts: Trace x2 and vocabulary worksheets. "Turkey Talk" essay is NOT due until Tuesday 11/23. Bring in any "disguise" items for your turkey IF you wish.

Read Charlie Bone p. 209 - 261 and complete role. We will not be having McD's until 12/2 (due to Thanksgiving break). Roles are not due until then.

Writing: None

Social Studies: Chapter 1 worksheet (only the fill in the blanks). Chapter 1 test Wednesday 11/24.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

It was a McD's Day!! We played a guessing game trying to determine the character's name from Charlie Bone. Miss C taped the name on our back and we had to ask questions to try and determine the character. Mrs. H and Miss C were impressed with our discussions. We cannot wait to turn the page and keep reading!!

Math classes started to multiply decimals. We played Frogger, using a green pen to move our decimals. Remember, it is not the same method that we used for addition and subtraction! We had fun using the Promethean Board to practice.

We showed Miss C our knowledge today in Social Studies as we took the Section 3 Quiz on Natural Resources. During our next few class periods, we will be reviewing and discussing in preparation for the Chapter 1 test next Wednesday.

Many of us started typing up final drafts of the Turkey Talk essay! We helped each other out by peer editing and making final changes to our drafts. I am so anxious to hear these being presented next week!

Reading classes started a new story titled, "From A Spark." We focused on the skill of predicting. Students practiced predicting and found that when doing so, they used prior knowledge and context clues to help.

Math: Worksheet page 23 front and back
Social Studies: Chapter 1 Test on Wednesday 11/24.
Reading: Read p. 209 - 261 in Midnight for Charlie Bone and complete role.
Writing: Final Draft of "Turkey Talk" essay due Monday 11/22.

Just a Quick "Hello!"

Hello, Team Enterprise! Just wanted to touch base with you and let you know that everything is going well. Each day I'm feeling a bit better! Thank you for your cards and well wishes! I've checked the blog and some of your kidblogs to keep up with you. Keep up the great work!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We are family!

In Wellness today we discussed how a family is like a team. Honest, respectful communication and cooperation are important in a healthy and loving family. We shared stories on how our families use cooperation and compromise to reach a common goal. Pancakes and syrup were the topic of conversation in Mrs. H's house this morning! Conflicts in families can happen over anything!

Math classes reviewed adding and subtracting decimals. Mrs. H was very impressed with the students' homework. We are trying hard in Math class and producing excellent results.

The science classes enjoyed an United Streaming Video on Volcanoes. The video reviewed the three different types of volcanoes. It was interesting to see volcanic eruptions in actions. We also viewed all of the ways lava can spew from the vent of a volcano!

Today in Social Studies we finished and reviewed our section on natural resources. We compared Europe to Russia in terms of natural resources. It’s too bad Russia has such a harsh climate, large size, and few navigable rivers, because they include some of the world’s largest natural resource reserves! Miss C is very confident about our quiz tomorrow. We had a great participation and discussion today!

We continued to work on our turkey essays today in writing. They are coming along great. Students are getting really creative in their new role as a talking turkey. I know I’m not the only one excited to hear the finished products next week!


Language arts: Finish reading Charlie Bone p. 105 – 209 and complete role. Due TOMORROW!
Writing: Work on finishing your rough drafts for your Turkey Essays (they do not have to be edited).
Social Studies: Study! Chapter 1, Section 3 Quiz tomorrow
Math- Page 88, 27-31
Science- (202) Review Worksheet (front)
Wellness- Page 351, 1-4 and define compromise

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cinder Cone, Composite, and Shield Volcanoes!

We worked in small groups today to compare and contrast the three types of volcanoes. The students collaborated in small groups to produce facts, an illustration, examples, and a clay model of their volcano. We also used the Promethean Board to explore the internet, view examples, and record our findings. You can see that the students did a fantastic job with their presentations! Watch out for that lava!

Math classes today were introduced to adding and subtracting decimals. We learned that it is of most importance to line up our decimals before we begin our operations. The students worked together to solve problems and then used calculators to check their work.

We wrapped up “A Trouble-Making Crow” today and we were tested to find out what we know! Our new story that we’ll be starting on Wednesday is titled “From A Spark.”

In writing, students discussed the elements of a persuasive essay and began organizing their thoughts and writing their persuasive turkey essays. We will continue to work on these all week. We’re hoping to listen to each other’s stories next week before Thanksgiving break! Who knows, maybe you’ll convince your family to have something other than turkey for Thanksgiving dinner?? GOBBLE GOBBLE!

Mrs. Haddox’s class was the only class to have social studies today. We finished up section 3, learning about Russia's natural resources. We were then able to compare Russia to Europe. Miss C was very impressed with our participation and discussion!

Reading: Read Charlie Bone

Social Studies: Room 202 ONLY—Section 3 Natural Resources ws (p.10)

Writing: None. Continue to work on your Turkey Writing. Due Monday 11/22.

Math: Worksheet page 22 front and back

Monday, November 15, 2010


The Science classes started discovering the parts of a volcano. Do you know the difference between magma and lava? Beneath every volcano is a source of magma. Magma is molten rock beneath the surface. Magma is lava once it comes out of the vent.

The math classes started a review of the first four sections of chapter 2. We reviewed understanding decimals, comparing and ordering decimals, rounding decimals, and estimating with decimals. The homework on page 85 tonight is graded.

The classes are trying to keep their Manic Minutes! If we continue to listen and not talk, we can keep our 20 minutes to visit and talk to our friends on Friday at the end of the day!

In social studies we focused on the natural resources of Eastern and
Western Europe. We learned of their importance and that these resources exist naturally and are not created by mankind. Tomorrow we will be focusing on Russia’s natural resources and comparing the two.

We attempted centers today in Reading to get a final review in before tomorrow’s testing on “A Trouble-Making Crow.” Centers included spelling practice, a new vocabulary review game, and small group with Miss C. Everyone seemed to have a strong understanding of the story, but it doesn’t hurt to keep studying!

Lastly, we finally kicked off our Turkey writing! Tomorrow we will start the writing process and continue to work on this all week. Turkeys: Don’t forget to come up with some convincing alternatives for the farmer tomorrow. After all, it’s your life on the line!

Reading: Spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension tests on “A
Trouble-Making Crow.
Writing: Start thinking about how you’re going to convince the farmer
not to serve YOU as his Thanksgiving meal!
Social Studies: None
Math: Page 85, 1-26, Graded
Science: (202) Read up to D33 and define vocabulary