Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cinder Cone, Composite, and Shield Volcanoes!

We worked in small groups today to compare and contrast the three types of volcanoes. The students collaborated in small groups to produce facts, an illustration, examples, and a clay model of their volcano. We also used the Promethean Board to explore the internet, view examples, and record our findings. You can see that the students did a fantastic job with their presentations! Watch out for that lava!

Math classes today were introduced to adding and subtracting decimals. We learned that it is of most importance to line up our decimals before we begin our operations. The students worked together to solve problems and then used calculators to check their work.

We wrapped up “A Trouble-Making Crow” today and we were tested to find out what we know! Our new story that we’ll be starting on Wednesday is titled “From A Spark.”

In writing, students discussed the elements of a persuasive essay and began organizing their thoughts and writing their persuasive turkey essays. We will continue to work on these all week. We’re hoping to listen to each other’s stories next week before Thanksgiving break! Who knows, maybe you’ll convince your family to have something other than turkey for Thanksgiving dinner?? GOBBLE GOBBLE!

Mrs. Haddox’s class was the only class to have social studies today. We finished up section 3, learning about Russia's natural resources. We were then able to compare Russia to Europe. Miss C was very impressed with our participation and discussion!

Reading: Read Charlie Bone

Social Studies: Room 202 ONLY—Section 3 Natural Resources ws (p.10)

Writing: None. Continue to work on your Turkey Writing. Due Monday 11/22.

Math: Worksheet page 22 front and back

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