Friday, October 26, 2012

Team Jersey Day!

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My apologies for not posting yesterday, but I was not in school.

Today marks the end of the 2012 Red Ribbon Week for Drug Awareness.  The students seemed to enjoy all the activities scheduled for each of the five days, as well as Mr. Barzan's visit on Monday.  The students and teachers sported their favorite team jerseys to "TEAM UP AGAINST DRUGS!"  I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Language Arts students took quizzes today on spelling a list of words with r-controlled vowels, vocabulary for Hot Dogs and Bamboo Shoots, and comprehension of the same story.  When finished with quizzes they enjoyed a special edition of Junior Scholastic on World Affairs.  We will continue our discussion of this special edition on Monday.  It has many interesting articles.

During Team Meeting, we concluded work on our delicious Friendship Recipes, with goodies such as Caring Cupcakes, Best Friend Bagels, Friendly Pie, Kindness Cookies, Bro-ski Brownies, and Buddy Cake. These delicious recipes will be shared in the hallway with other students.


Don't forget that your Dwarf Planets are due on Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Spirit Day!

As part of Red Ribbon Week, we teamed together to show our school spirit by wearing Canon-Mac's blue and gold.  In this picture, Cassie and Maddie give a thumbs up for staying drug-free!

In Language Arts, students stayed in the spirit of cooperation by working on their beautiful backdrops which are coming along nicely.  Again, I was amazed at how quietly and diligently they worked.  The Wax Museum is going to be fantastic.

Culture was the topic of discussion in Social Studies, as we take a closer look at the people who live in the various regions of Africa.  Miss Albitz began the new set of lessons yesterday with an interesting video, pictures, and an overview of what the students will be learning.  Today, each child created a culture carpet, depicting aspects of culture.  If your child is in this class, ask him/her about the assignment!

Math - Line packet
Reading - Test on Hotdogs and Bamboo Shoots this Friday.  Please review.
Spelling - Practice your words on Spelling City!  Test this Friday.
Writing - Complete the exercises on pg. 19-20 in your grammar book for tomorrow.
Science - Planets sheet is due tomorrow.
Wellness - Lesson 1 - Ch. 3 quiz on Friday

Spelling - Comprehension Question, Spelling sentence, and your 2 workbook pages
Math - Group 1, division w.s.
            Group 2, division fact w.s.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Preparing for the Museum

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During Language Arts this morning, students worked with their cafe groups on their assigned chapter for the Wax Museum to take place on November 1st.  I was proud of how well the students worked with each other to plan and accomplish each task.  We used the hallway's nice smooth surface to work on the large backdrops for our planned scenes.  Enjoy the slideshow!

Due to today's theme for Red Ribbon Week, there were many rock stars in school, sending the message that Our School Rocks Drug-Free!  The picture above shows a few rock stars who were rockin' the message. 

The Drug-Free message continued as part of our Wellness lesson today.  Miss Doyle (Mrs. Doman's student teacher) had everyone create footballs complete with our goals.  The footballs read Instead of doing drugs, my goal is _____________________.  Students also reviewed refusal skills and put them into action with skits for the class.  We all plan to refuse drugs forever.  They can do nothing but hinder the great plans we have for our lives. 


Spelling - Complete spelling practice page 16 for tomorrow.
Science - Planet worksheet due on Thursday.
Wellness - Study your study guide for Friday's test.

Mrs. Friday's Language Arts and Math Groups:
Spelling - ABC order and two workbook pages
Math - Fraction worksheet

Monday, October 22, 2012

Hello, Mr. Barzan!

Today, we kicked off Red Ribbon Week with a visit from Mr. Barzan.  He came to share information about tobacco, both the smoking and chewing types.  In addition to his lesson, he shared a video presented by kids, with interviews of people whose lives were forever changed through their use of tobacco.  It affected their bodies in ways you may not think of.  If you have a child in this class, please ask them to share what they learned about tobacco!

Red Ribbon Week began with a special day that resulted in donations for the Humane Society.  Students bringing donations for the cause were given tickets.  Ticket numbers were called at the end of the day, and students were awarded prizes for their efforts.  Tomorrow is Rock Star Day!  If you're unsure of what this means, please check Friday's blog!  I've listed activities for each day this week!

Group 308 took their chapter test on Africa today.  Group 310 will take their test tomorrow.  The brochures of Africa look great in the hallway.  Each one contains exciting things to see and do in each country.  Stop by and check them out when you have a chance.

Language Arts groups are excitedly preparing for our Wax Museum!  Chapters were reviewed today, and groups began to plan and assign responsibilities to each group member.  I was pleased with how well the students worked today.  In addition, we reviewed new vocabulary for our story, Hot Dogs and Bamboo Shoots.  We will begin the story tomorrow.  

Math - Study 1-1 through 1-15.  Test tomorrow.
Reading - Think about your assigned chapter in our novel.  Tomorrow we will begin working on our backdrops and summaries!  You will put your plans into action!
Writing - Grammar pages 17-18 are due tomorrow.  You are reviewing Dependent/Independent Clauses and Compound/Complex sentences.
Social Studies - There is a chapter test tomorrow for group 310!  Review your study guides.
Wellness - Study for next Friday's test.