Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Preparing for the Museum

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During Language Arts this morning, students worked with their cafe groups on their assigned chapter for the Wax Museum to take place on November 1st.  I was proud of how well the students worked with each other to plan and accomplish each task.  We used the hallway's nice smooth surface to work on the large backdrops for our planned scenes.  Enjoy the slideshow!

Due to today's theme for Red Ribbon Week, there were many rock stars in school, sending the message that Our School Rocks Drug-Free!  The picture above shows a few rock stars who were rockin' the message. 

The Drug-Free message continued as part of our Wellness lesson today.  Miss Doyle (Mrs. Doman's student teacher) had everyone create footballs complete with our goals.  The footballs read Instead of doing drugs, my goal is _____________________.  Students also reviewed refusal skills and put them into action with skits for the class.  We all plan to refuse drugs forever.  They can do nothing but hinder the great plans we have for our lives. 


Spelling - Complete spelling practice page 16 for tomorrow.
Science - Planet worksheet due on Thursday.
Wellness - Study your study guide for Friday's test.

Mrs. Friday's Language Arts and Math Groups:
Spelling - ABC order and two workbook pages
Math - Fraction worksheet

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