Thursday, September 13, 2012

Open House is Coming!

The students and I enjoyed another great week together, and more fun is on the way.  In this coming week, our yearly fundraiser will start on Monday, and we'll enjoy another Open House on Wednesday at 6 p.m.  It will be fun to share with our parents and guests, and we're looking forward to it.

We started our day with a visit to the cafeteria to listen to our principal, Mr. Chambers, talk about some of our district policies and his expectations for the year.  Mr. Chambers discussed rules and situations and gave us many examples so that we'd all understand.  He left us with a final thought; to always give our best.  He truly cares for us.

Following our meeting with Mr. Chambers, we opened our classroom wall to take our tests in Reading and Social Studies.  Most students were prepared and did a fine job.  Although the tests are not coming home today, they are scored and will be on-line to view.  The actual tests will be taken home on Monday in the first test packet for review.

Following Exploratory and lunch, students visited Mrs. Shuman for Library, where they participated in a scavenger hunt of the library.  Then, they were off to Mrs. McIlvaine for Music.  She mentioned that she was wearing red, white, and blue today because tomorrow is National Anthem Day.  The students have been learning about our National Anthem.

No homework for the weekend!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Novel Prep

Our class was busily preparing for our first novel today in Language Arts!  Our first novel this year is From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg.  It is a two-time Newbery Medal Winner!  Much of the story takes place in a museum, so today we visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art and History via their website.  The students completed an activity where they explored pieces of art, and later shared what they learned.  I will share Chapter 1 tomorrow, and assign students their very first role for cafe!  Next Thursday, we will enjoy our first cafe discussions!  I can hardly wait!

Ms. Rader and I have enough books for our teams to share, so all reading will be completed at school.  Some students prefer to use their Nooks, ipads, or tablets to read.  That is one reason I'm including the title and author's name today, in case anyone would like to purchase or download the book. Purchasing or downloading the book is NOT required.
 The students will be tested this week on their expert ability to read maps!  They've been working hard, and some have even asked for more global grid activities. Group 308 is being tested today, and group 310 will take their test tomorrow.  Keep studying!

Today, Mr. Barzan, our friendly guidance counselor, stopped in for a visit.  He talked with us about the new school year and how we could make it a good one.  We played a game with a blanket which required great teamwork skills.  Enjoy the slideshow!

Tomorrow morning, all sixth grade classrooms will visit with Mr. Chambers in the cafeteria, where he will review rules and expectations for the school year. 

Math - Practice sheet
Reading - Review your story, vocabulary and spelling list!  Tests are tomorrow.
Social Studies - Study and prepare for tomorrow's quiz, group 310.
Music - Study for your quiz on vocabulary.