Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Math students are trying their hands at Algebra. We are exploring how to keep equations balanced in Math. To keep the equation balanced, you do the same operation to both sides. We had fun completing the problems on our mini white boards and the Promethean Board.

We wrapped up Chapter 10 in Wellness today. Next week, we will combine a little physical activity with some math. How many times can you jump rope in 30 seconds? We will use our data to find mean, median, and mode.

In Mrs. McIlvaine's class, the students worked on math and reading in their Learning Centers.

Our classroom doors are all decorated for Red Ribbon Week! I think one of our doors are sure to be a winner!

Reading: Complete the novel Bud, Not Buddy and work on your roles for next week.
Social Studies: Study your study guide

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Limo Ride, Pizza, and Game Boards! Oh My!

The students on Team Enterprise had a Game Period as a reward for receiving all of their Surprise Scramble letters. The reward was for good behavior. But, the fun doesn't stop there! Many of the students enjoyed a limo ride and lunch at CiCi's Pizza today. Those students who sold enough magazines for the school fundraiser were able to take the special ride!

In the afternoon, we had a great discussion about Bud, Not Buddy at our McD's Cafe. Many of the students highlighted new vocabulary words and discussed parts of the book that were meaningful to them. We now can read the book until the end!

Math- complete workbook page 13, sides P and R
Science- Rock Cycle Worksheet completed for Monday
Wellness- Review Flash Cards due tomorrow and Test on Chapter 10 tomorrow
Reading- Finish reading Bud, Not Buddy to the end. Complete your new role for next week.
Social Studies- Study your Study Guide

Letting Our Creativity Flow!

In addition to concluding our Terra Nova Testing this afternoon, our team, as well as others in the building, worked on our doors for the Red Ribbon Week Door Decorating Contest. The ideas and creation of the doors is totally student-driven. We have been amazed at the energy, materials, and great ideas the students have brought to the table. Look for a video next week showing our doors and the special events the students participate in all week long. Red Ribbon Week, a time set aside for drug education and awareness, is so important. Our students need to be able to resist negative peer pressure and keep their bodies and minds safe. Mrs. Kyle has planned an event for each day next week to help our students show unity in being drug-free.

Language Arts - Tomorrow is McD's Cafe! Please make sure you've read and prepared your role for Chapters 11 through 13.
Social Studies - Study your study guides for section one, as well as the lesson in your book.
Wellness - Complete vocabulary cards and review for your test.
Other - Bring board games for tomorrow's Surprise Scramble Reward.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Can You Smell the Wood Burning?

If you did smell the wood burning, it's probably because it was the first day of our Terra Nova tests, and our brains were running on maximum power.

In the morning, we stayed in our homerooms following our regular schedules.
Mrs. Mac's homeroom learned more about the physical geography of Europe and Russia. We learned more about why few people live east of the Ural Mountains in Russia. We also compared and contrasted Europe's and Russia's land and waterways. Our class has a Venn Diagram and a study guide that should be reviewed.

In Mrs. H's homeroom, we had a huge Health review today. The students created vocabulary notecards to help them review for Friday's test. We also completed the review at the end of Chapter 10. This review page will help you get ready for the test.

In Math, we used the Promethean Board to review the answer to our Open Ended Question. The students wrote the answer to the problem and highlighted the key words in the problem and in their answers.

We enjoyed part 1 of Connar's slide show of his recent trip west. We are looking forward to part 2 tomorrow!

Language Arts - Read pages 108 through 160 (Ch. 11-13) in Bud, Not Buddy and complete your role for Thursday.
Spelling - Study your list! Quiz on Thursday!
Reading - Review vocabulary and story. Quiz on Thursday.
Social Studies - Study your study guide.
Wellness (202) - complete vocabulary notecards and review for Friday's test on Chapter 10.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Busy, Busy Monday!

It was a very productive day! In Mrs. McIlvaine's class, we did a lot of writing and revising! We worked on our 'Treasured Items' writing and some of us put the finishing touches on our 'It Happened to Me' writings. Our story, Hot Dogs and Bamboo Shoots, was reviewed in class, too!

A change to our schedule puts McD's Cafe in a new time slot. We will have McD's on Thursday afternoons now! The new schedule will be in effect this week, so reading and roles are due this Thursday, rather than Friday.

We were very busy in Science today. The students observed sedimentary rocks and discovered through an acid test (using lemon juice) if the rocks were limestone, shale, or sandstone. You can see in the pictures that the students used goggles and magnifying glasses to see the reaction.

We are getting ready for the PSSA's in Math class. Although they are awhile off, the more we practice, the better we will get! Together, we did a problem in class and highlighted the key words. The students took an open-ended problem home tonight to practice.

Get a good night's rest tonight...the Terra Novas are tomorrow and Wednesday!

Language Arts - Read chapters 11 through 13 in Bud, Not Buddy (p. 108-160). Complete this reading and your role for Thursday.
Math - Order of Operations, open-ended prompt
Science - Rock Cycle worksheet

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Visit From Peanuts for Our Hardworking Writers

One of my favorite comic strips is Peanuts! I came across this clip while looking for something else, and I thought you might enjoy it! Keep writing!