Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Limo Ride, Pizza, and Game Boards! Oh My!

The students on Team Enterprise had a Game Period as a reward for receiving all of their Surprise Scramble letters. The reward was for good behavior. But, the fun doesn't stop there! Many of the students enjoyed a limo ride and lunch at CiCi's Pizza today. Those students who sold enough magazines for the school fundraiser were able to take the special ride!

In the afternoon, we had a great discussion about Bud, Not Buddy at our McD's Cafe. Many of the students highlighted new vocabulary words and discussed parts of the book that were meaningful to them. We now can read the book until the end!

Math- complete workbook page 13, sides P and R
Science- Rock Cycle Worksheet completed for Monday
Wellness- Review Flash Cards due tomorrow and Test on Chapter 10 tomorrow
Reading- Finish reading Bud, Not Buddy to the end. Complete your new role for next week.
Social Studies- Study your Study Guide

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