Friday, September 21, 2012

A Special Man

Jackie Robinson once said, "A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives."  Today, we learned about this special man who was chosen by Branch Rickey for his great baseball talent, as well as his emotional stamina, to be the first African American in the Major Leagues.  We learned about his athletic ability, as well as his grace and dignity.  We spent a good portion of the Language Arts period building historical background and knowledge of the vocabulary.  Many students had interesting comments and observations.  Next week, we will spend some time on a little research activity related to the story.  Enjoy the clip!

In Social Studies, Miss Albitz quizzed students on their knowledge of the countries of North Africa.  One group, 310, continued their discussion of the various geographical aspects of Africa's regions. The students did well on their quiz!

Our class meeting went well today!  The students were introduced to The Richest Man in Town - Inspired by Marty by V.J. Smith.  The writer of the book visited our school district a few years ago, and all teachers received an autographed copy.  It is the story of a genuinely kind-hearted man and the lives he affected during the course of his life.  I don't want to give too much away, since we are not close to being finished, but it provides much food for thought in regards to how we should treat each other.  If your child is in this class, please ask him/her about Marty!

Math - Practice sheet
Reading - Read chapters 3-4 and complete role for Thursday
Spelling - Study using Spelling City
Social Studies - Review your study guide

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Enjoying Time at McD's Cafe!

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A big thank you goes to all who took the time to stop by for Open House!  Mrs. Doman, Miss Albitz, and I enjoyed visiting with all of you, and the students loved sharing what they are anticipating in the year ahead.  A couple of the slides above were taken at Open House. 

Today, Language Arts classes enjoyed their first cafe of the year!  Our menu for the lesson began with a bit of soup.  Students worked together to pick the letters from their soup bowls to spell words from this week's spelling list, as they were called.  They were polite, even though they were picking through the soup with their fingers! No soup was spilled on the table!  Each group displayed great teamwork!

After I modeled my own roles, the Taste Testing on the menu, students began their discussions based on the roles they prepared for class.  I was so impressed by their table manners!  They kept "cafe level" voices, took turns speaking, and really had a lot to offer during their discussions.  Delicious drinks were enjoyed (thanks, Robbie). Some students asked when they could continue their reading!  This was music to my ears. The slides above give a glimpse of cafe.

In Social Studies, Miss Albitz continued her lessons about the geography of Africa.  The students should continue to review the notes she's providing with her lessons.

Math - Estimation Action Sheet - #1-12
Reading - Read chapters 3-4 in The Mixed-up Files..., and complete your role for next Thursday.  Also, study your spelling.
Social Studies - Study!  Review notes and poke and peek map.  Quiz tomorrow.
Science - Planet Sheet
Wellness - Answers to questions due tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ready for Open House!

The students and I are very excited about Open House!  It begins at 6:00 p.m. this evening!  Sixth grade teachers will be presenting at 7:00p.m. to ease the schedule for parents with more than one child in the building.  For the first hour, you may tour the building and visit the bake sale!  There is much to see, and I'm looking forward to meeting you!  At 7:00, you will hear from Mrs. Doman, Miss Albitz, the students, and myself.  We will all take part in making you feel welcome!

Reading - Read chapters 1and 2 in From the Mixed-up Files... and complete your role.
Spelling - Your trace + 2 is due tomorrow.
Social Studies - Study!  There will be a quiz on Friday.
Wellness - Answers to assigned questions are due on Friday.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Poke and Peek?

The students are learning the countries found in each region of Africa, among other things.  One tool that they have for practice is called a poke and peek map.  This map is in their hands and ready to use!  They should be using the map each night to learn the location and names of North Africa's countries.  Miss Albitz also started a special, colorful presentation using a Powerpoint she created filled with pictures and video clips.  We saw a piece of it today, and this will continue tomorrow.

Students worked on reading and roles, finished a writing prompt relating to a story in our anthology, and participated in our Open House video.  They worked through stations applying their reading, writing, and speaking skills.  Many have done very well with their roles, and the directors are writing excellent questions that will cause interesting discussions on Thursday.
Our next story is called Teammates and is a biography about a relationship shared by Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese.  A new 'Family Times' paper was sent home today which gives a summary, new vocabulary, grammar goals, and the new spelling list.  Students have a tricky list of /ie/ and /ei/ patterns this week. We reviewed a rule that can help them with many of these words, but found there are exceptions to the rule.  Study will be important!

Reading - Read chapters 1-2 in The Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, and complete your assigned role for Thursday.  The role must be cut and ready to go!  Finish your prompt if you didn't do so in class.
Spelling - Trace +2 for new list due on Thursday.
Social Studies - Quiz on North Africa's countries this Friday.
Wellness - Vocabulary questions are due tomorrow.  Other questions are due Friday.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Kicking Off Cafe!

Students were excited today to receive the first novel, The Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler!  They followed along as I read the first chapter.  Together, we discussed the main points, particularly who is telling the story, the setting, the conflict, and the main characters.  I stopped frequently to ask about various words and generally think aloud.  The students are responsible for reading the second chapter and completing their assigned roles for Thursday.  We will create our cafe at that time and enjoy our first discussions.

Miss Albitz began her series of lessons on Africa's geography today!  When students entered the room, they saw pictures from the continent and heard African music.  The students talked about what they know and what they'd like to learn about Africa.  They received maps of Africa and some vocabulary that will be important throughout her lessons.  Her enthusiasm was contagious!

Students are taking home a few important items today!  They have their PSSA test results, a fund raiser packet from CISPO, their first test packet, an invitation to Open House, and information about a bake sale that will take place on Wednesday night at Open House.  This is the reason they are bringing home their Friday folders, even though it's not Friday! Please check it out!

Math - Finish practice activity
Reading - Read chapters 1 and 2.  Complete your role for Thursday's cafe!
Wellness - Vocabulary is due Wednesday.  Questions are due on Friday.