Monday, September 17, 2012

Kicking Off Cafe!

Students were excited today to receive the first novel, The Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler!  They followed along as I read the first chapter.  Together, we discussed the main points, particularly who is telling the story, the setting, the conflict, and the main characters.  I stopped frequently to ask about various words and generally think aloud.  The students are responsible for reading the second chapter and completing their assigned roles for Thursday.  We will create our cafe at that time and enjoy our first discussions.

Miss Albitz began her series of lessons on Africa's geography today!  When students entered the room, they saw pictures from the continent and heard African music.  The students talked about what they know and what they'd like to learn about Africa.  They received maps of Africa and some vocabulary that will be important throughout her lessons.  Her enthusiasm was contagious!

Students are taking home a few important items today!  They have their PSSA test results, a fund raiser packet from CISPO, their first test packet, an invitation to Open House, and information about a bake sale that will take place on Wednesday night at Open House.  This is the reason they are bringing home their Friday folders, even though it's not Friday! Please check it out!

Math - Finish practice activity
Reading - Read chapters 1 and 2.  Complete your role for Thursday's cafe!
Wellness - Vocabulary is due Wednesday.  Questions are due on Friday. 

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