Friday, December 14, 2012

Big Mistake!

We are nearing the end of The Westing Game, and it's been quite a ride! Many students have created and posted their Wanted posters even though the project isn't due until Thursday.  All characters from the book must seem suspicious because they all have made an appearance in the posters.  It seems as though the book has many stumped!  Students are challenged to answer the question posed by the runaway Christmas cookie from the Theodorakis Coffee Shoppe.  It will give them a chance to earn a ticket for a Barnes and Noble gift certificate AND a bonus point.

During Language Arts, we learned about new vocabulary having to do with From A Spark, an excerpt from the popular Hatchet by Gary Paulsen.  The short story and discussion had many wanting to download Hatchet as well as other books by Paulsen and our previous author Jean Craighead George.  It seems that survival / nature stories are a hit.

Group 310 finished the Geography Bee today,  but there were a few absences.  We will give those few a chance to answer their questions before proclaiming a winner.

Math - Dividing Decimals by Decimals due on Tuesday.
Reading - Crossword of vocabulary from The Westing Game is due on Monday.  Complete the reading of 19-22 in the novel and role for Thursday.  Poster is also due.
Science - Crossword puzzle due Tuesday.
Spelling - Study
PSSA Rdg. - Schools: Black and White
Basketball test - 9 spot shooting on Jan. 2

Thursday, December 13, 2012


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The concert, by our own band and chorus groups, directed by Mrs. (Music) McIlvaine and Mr. Gasper was fabulous!  The students were dressed in their holiday best, and the spirit of Christmas could be felt by all!  The evening performance begins at 7:00 p.m.  Please stop in if you have a chance!  You won't be disappointed!

Reading - Crossword of new vocabulary for The Westing Game is due on Monday.  Read up to chapter 23 and prepare your role for Thursday.  Wanted poster project is due on Thursday.
Spelling - Trace +2 due tomorrow.
Science - States Matter
Wellness - Test tomorrow.
PSSA Reading - Schools: Black and White due on Monday.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thinking Readers

During Language Arts we are always practicing strategies that will make us better readers.  Today, we learned more about making predictions.  Although we don't have mystical crystal balls to peer into to make predictions, we can pick up clues in what we read and put them together with information we know to be true to make logical predictions about the story.  The great thing is that we don't have to be correct about our predictions!  The most important thing about making them is that we're thinking about what we're reading.  Then, we read on to find out if what we predicted comes true. We practiced with a few examples and a short story today, but I PREDICT we'll be using this skill a lot more in the next two weeks and beyond.

Only group 308 had Social Studies today, so this group is the only one who finished the Geography Bee preliminary rounds.  Group 308's winner was Devin and the runner-up was Savannah.  Devin did not miss a single question in all seven rounds!  Savannah only missed one!  Impressive! Devin will represent our class in January!  Congratulations to these two students!

The whole chorus and band groups have been practicing hard for tomorrow's concerts.  They will perform in the morning for our school and in the evening for parents and guests.  We are looking forward to this special holiday treat!

Math - Complete packet and practice sheet.
Reading - Share Family Times paper.  Read chapters  19-22 in The Westing Game, complete role and project for next Thursday.  Crossword of new vocabulary is due on Monday.  
Spelling - Trace +2 is due on Friday.
Science - States Matter
Wellness - Test on Friday
PSSA Reading - Article work for Schools: Black and White due on Monday.
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Comprehension, 2 wk.bk. pages, spelling sentence
Math - Reduce fractions - group 1
            Improper fractions - group 2

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gimme a B! Bee!

Rachel and Jack (308)
Brianna and Jordan (310)

In addition to continuing our geography bee, we completed our spelling bee today.  We have two winners on our team who will advance to the whole school bee that will be held in January.  Representing group 308 is Jack, and representing group 310 is Brianna.  Our runner-up for group 308 is Rachel, and the runner-up for 310 is Jordan.  It is never easy to compete in front of your peers, but our team did well.  We congratulate our winners and will be behind them in the school's competition.  Soon, we will have our representatives for the geography bee. 

Our Wanted project is off to a great start!  Since we've been competing in our bees, we had a little time to get our projects closer to completion.  They are looking great!  I'll post pictures when they're ready.

During our open-wall time, students worked at various station activities to enhance skills from grammar (common and proper nouns), non fiction reading and writing (Schools - Black and White), and literature circle projects and reading (The Westing Game).  We will conclude our last station tomorrow during Language Arts, and move on to our next skill: Making Predictions. 

Math - Stained glass - show your work
Reading - Read chapters 19-22 in The Westing Game and complete your role for next Thursday.  Complete poster project for next Thursday.
Science - changes of states
Wellness - test on Friday.  Study.
PSSA Rdg. - Complete Schools: Black and White for Monday.
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - ABC order and 2 wk.bk pages
Math - Division w.s. - group #1 and lesson 39 w.s. - group #2

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Geography Bee Begins!

During a couple Social Studies classes this week, students will be asked geography questions as part of the preliminary rounds of the National Geographic Bee.  Only group 308 had Social Studies today, but we were able to work through three of seven rounds.  By the end of seven rounds, and any tie breaker rounds, we should have our class representative for the Cecil Intermediate Bee to be held in January.  The students did well today with listening to the questions posed and choosing the best answer, as the early rounds allow a choice of answers.

In Language Arts, students used knowledge of the characters in The Westing Game, as well as clues, to determine who they felt is responsible for Sam Westing's murder.  They began working with provided art supplies on their Wanted Poster project.  The projects were taking shape by the end of the period.

Math - wk.bk. p. 23 both sides (308) and p. 22 (310)
Reading - Read chapters 19-22 in The Westing Game and complete role for next Thursday.  Complete poster for next Thursday as well.
Wellness - study your guide for Friday's test.
PSSA RDG. - Complete Schools - Black and White for next Monday.

Mrs. Friday's Group:
Spelling - Stair step, 2 wk.bk pages
Math - Division w.s. group 1 and lesson #38 w.s. - group 2