Friday, December 14, 2012

Big Mistake!

We are nearing the end of The Westing Game, and it's been quite a ride! Many students have created and posted their Wanted posters even though the project isn't due until Thursday.  All characters from the book must seem suspicious because they all have made an appearance in the posters.  It seems as though the book has many stumped!  Students are challenged to answer the question posed by the runaway Christmas cookie from the Theodorakis Coffee Shoppe.  It will give them a chance to earn a ticket for a Barnes and Noble gift certificate AND a bonus point.

During Language Arts, we learned about new vocabulary having to do with From A Spark, an excerpt from the popular Hatchet by Gary Paulsen.  The short story and discussion had many wanting to download Hatchet as well as other books by Paulsen and our previous author Jean Craighead George.  It seems that survival / nature stories are a hit.

Group 310 finished the Geography Bee today,  but there were a few absences.  We will give those few a chance to answer their questions before proclaiming a winner.

Math - Dividing Decimals by Decimals due on Tuesday.
Reading - Crossword of vocabulary from The Westing Game is due on Monday.  Complete the reading of 19-22 in the novel and role for Thursday.  Poster is also due.
Science - Crossword puzzle due Tuesday.
Spelling - Study
PSSA Rdg. - Schools: Black and White
Basketball test - 9 spot shooting on Jan. 2

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