Monday, December 10, 2012

The Geography Bee Begins!

During a couple Social Studies classes this week, students will be asked geography questions as part of the preliminary rounds of the National Geographic Bee.  Only group 308 had Social Studies today, but we were able to work through three of seven rounds.  By the end of seven rounds, and any tie breaker rounds, we should have our class representative for the Cecil Intermediate Bee to be held in January.  The students did well today with listening to the questions posed and choosing the best answer, as the early rounds allow a choice of answers.

In Language Arts, students used knowledge of the characters in The Westing Game, as well as clues, to determine who they felt is responsible for Sam Westing's murder.  They began working with provided art supplies on their Wanted Poster project.  The projects were taking shape by the end of the period.

Math - wk.bk. p. 23 both sides (308) and p. 22 (310)
Reading - Read chapters 19-22 in The Westing Game and complete role for next Thursday.  Complete poster for next Thursday as well.
Wellness - study your guide for Friday's test.
PSSA RDG. - Complete Schools - Black and White for next Monday.

Mrs. Friday's Group:
Spelling - Stair step, 2 wk.bk pages
Math - Division w.s. group 1 and lesson #38 w.s. - group 2

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