Friday, September 28, 2012

Cafe With a View!

Would you like to join us for McD's Cafe?  The video above gives you a view into this week's class!  This was only our second round of literature circles, but the students are doing so well with the preparation of their roles and conducting polite, interesting discussions.  I haven't had to say a word about voice level or off-task behavior!  They are focused and interested in what others think and have to say.  Enjoy!

Math - Study! Test on Monday.  
Reading - Read chapters 5-6 and prepare your role for Thursday
Social Studies - Study all guides and map for Tuesday's test


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wow, that's RADical!

 We have been thoroughly enjoying our novel, From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.  The two main characters have run away from home to The Metropolitan Museum in New York City.  A museum of this size would make a wonderful place to hide, and Claudia insists that she and Jamie learn something every day of their stay.

Some students in the class have expressed that they do not remember ever visiting a museum.  This weekend may be the perfect opportunity if you have the time!  RADical Days are happening in Pittsburgh!  R.A.D. stands for The Allegheny Regional Asset District.  Our local sales tax dollars help support regional libraries, parks and trails, sports facilities, and arts and culture.  RADical Days offer citizens the opportunity to visit some of these places, on certain days, for free!  Some of the events happen this weekend!  I'm including a link, so that you may check out the great opportunities available.  Click on RADical Days below!

RADical Days

Math - Practice sheet.  Test on Monday on Order of Operations
Reading - Quizzes tomorrow on Teammates. Study words and review the story.  Also, read chapters 5-6 of our novel and prepare your role for next Thursday.
Writing - If you haven't yet submitted your paper about Jackie Robinson, it is due tomorrow.
Spelling - Test tomorrow.  Study your words.
Social Studies - Study your study guides.  E.African countries test next Tuesday for both groups.  Land and Water test next  Tuesday for group 310.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Learning More Through Research

As a final activity relating to our biographical piece about Jackie Robinson, Teammates, we did a bit of research.  Each student focused on one aspect of Jackie Robinson's life that they wanted to learn more about.  Some wondered what he did after baseball.  Some wanted to learn more about his family.  Others wondered about his childhood.  The story gave us some information, but we had many questions!  The new things we've learned will be shared and hung in our classroom.  I will share pictures, so you'll learn too!

In Social Studies, we put our knowledge to the test!  Students took their African Land and Water test.  Miss Albitz shared that the results were great!

The students had Chorus today, and tomorrow in Music, they'll have their History of the Star-Spangled Banner test.  Tonight, review would be advised.

Math - First Things First practice
Reading - Tomorrow is Cafe!  Be ready with your role for chapters 3-4.  Also, your story quiz will be on Friday.
Spelling - Quiz this Friday
Social Studies - 308 has a quiz on countries of E. Africa on Tuesday.  310 has the Land and Water test, as well as the quiz on E. Africa's countries on Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Let's Review Our Day!

 Jeopardy board!
 Students having fun during review!
 Miss Albitz reviews using her game!
We had another great day at school!  In Language Arts we looked a bit deeper into the relationship that Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese shared.  Both men demonstrated great courage in the story.  Today, we compared the men and the ways they showed courage. 

Miss Albitz reviewed her lessons on the geography of Africa using a Jeopardy game she prepared for use on our Promethean board.  The students enjoyed working in teams to play the game.

During our open-wall time, students visited three stations for learning and review.  At one, they visited a wise old man who shared subjects and predicates as two main parts of sentences.  He gave many examples, and the students practiced with others that I provided.  At two, students continued their writing that was organized in Language Arts in the morning.  At three, they partnered and reviewed the countries of East Africa using poke and peek maps.  Great progress was made!

Reading - Read chapters 3-4 in novel and complete assigned role.  Finish final copy of prompt for tomorrow.
Spelling - We will review spelling practice p. 6 tomorrow. 
Writing - Finish final copy of prompt for tomorrow.
Social Studies - Study your study guides and map!  308 - test tomorrow on land and water.  310 - test on Tuesday on land and water.  All - test Tuesday on E.Africa's countries
Music - History of Star-Spangled Banner test this Thursday.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A View of Africa

Miss Albitz continued her lessons on Africa's geography today.  One focus of today's lesson was the importance of rivers.  Students were asked to think about why rivers are important and what they offer the people who live close by.  They were also treated to a short clip of the various landscapes of Africa and challenged to identify the grasslands, escarpments, savannahs, deserts, mountains, and valleys.  I thought you might enjoy this video of African animals in their habitats.

In Language Arts, we read and discussed Teammates, a biography of Jackie Robinson.  After reading, we searched for clues to find the author's viewpoint of Pee Wee Reese, Jackie Robinson, Branch Rickey, and sports in general.  There were many clues to find!  The author's use of specific words helped us to understand his feelings.  For instance, in describing what Pee Wee Reese did, he used words such as  "believed in doing what was right", "decided to take a stand", "smiled broadly as he reached for Jackie", and then, "I am standing by him.  This is my teammate." We could tell by reading this story, the author had a deep respect for the men and the game of baseball.  We enjoyed learning about Jackie Robinson.  Tomorrow, we will compare these two good friends in a writing. 

Math - Study.  Test tomorrow
Reading - Read chapters 3-4 in novel.  Complete your role.
Spelling - Complete page 6 in Spelling practice book
Social Studies - Study your study guides and review East African countries on poke and peek map.
Wellness - Complete any unfinished work from today's class.