Monday, September 24, 2012

A View of Africa

Miss Albitz continued her lessons on Africa's geography today.  One focus of today's lesson was the importance of rivers.  Students were asked to think about why rivers are important and what they offer the people who live close by.  They were also treated to a short clip of the various landscapes of Africa and challenged to identify the grasslands, escarpments, savannahs, deserts, mountains, and valleys.  I thought you might enjoy this video of African animals in their habitats.

In Language Arts, we read and discussed Teammates, a biography of Jackie Robinson.  After reading, we searched for clues to find the author's viewpoint of Pee Wee Reese, Jackie Robinson, Branch Rickey, and sports in general.  There were many clues to find!  The author's use of specific words helped us to understand his feelings.  For instance, in describing what Pee Wee Reese did, he used words such as  "believed in doing what was right", "decided to take a stand", "smiled broadly as he reached for Jackie", and then, "I am standing by him.  This is my teammate." We could tell by reading this story, the author had a deep respect for the men and the game of baseball.  We enjoyed learning about Jackie Robinson.  Tomorrow, we will compare these two good friends in a writing. 

Math - Study.  Test tomorrow
Reading - Read chapters 3-4 in novel.  Complete your role.
Spelling - Complete page 6 in Spelling practice book
Social Studies - Study your study guides and review East African countries on poke and peek map.
Wellness - Complete any unfinished work from today's class. 

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