Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Let's Review Our Day!

 Jeopardy board!
 Students having fun during review!
 Miss Albitz reviews using her game!
We had another great day at school!  In Language Arts we looked a bit deeper into the relationship that Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese shared.  Both men demonstrated great courage in the story.  Today, we compared the men and the ways they showed courage. 

Miss Albitz reviewed her lessons on the geography of Africa using a Jeopardy game she prepared for use on our Promethean board.  The students enjoyed working in teams to play the game.

During our open-wall time, students visited three stations for learning and review.  At one, they visited a wise old man who shared subjects and predicates as two main parts of sentences.  He gave many examples, and the students practiced with others that I provided.  At two, students continued their writing that was organized in Language Arts in the morning.  At three, they partnered and reviewed the countries of East Africa using poke and peek maps.  Great progress was made!

Reading - Read chapters 3-4 in novel and complete assigned role.  Finish final copy of prompt for tomorrow.
Spelling - We will review spelling practice p. 6 tomorrow. 
Writing - Finish final copy of prompt for tomorrow.
Social Studies - Study your study guides and map!  308 - test tomorrow on land and water.  310 - test on Tuesday on land and water.  All - test Tuesday on E.Africa's countries
Music - History of Star-Spangled Banner test this Thursday.

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