Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wow, that's RADical!

 We have been thoroughly enjoying our novel, From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.  The two main characters have run away from home to The Metropolitan Museum in New York City.  A museum of this size would make a wonderful place to hide, and Claudia insists that she and Jamie learn something every day of their stay.

Some students in the class have expressed that they do not remember ever visiting a museum.  This weekend may be the perfect opportunity if you have the time!  RADical Days are happening in Pittsburgh!  R.A.D. stands for The Allegheny Regional Asset District.  Our local sales tax dollars help support regional libraries, parks and trails, sports facilities, and arts and culture.  RADical Days offer citizens the opportunity to visit some of these places, on certain days, for free!  Some of the events happen this weekend!  I'm including a link, so that you may check out the great opportunities available.  Click on RADical Days below!

RADical Days

Math - Practice sheet.  Test on Monday on Order of Operations
Reading - Quizzes tomorrow on Teammates. Study words and review the story.  Also, read chapters 5-6 of our novel and prepare your role for next Thursday.
Writing - If you haven't yet submitted your paper about Jackie Robinson, it is due tomorrow.
Spelling - Test tomorrow.  Study your words.
Social Studies - Study your study guides.  E.African countries test next Tuesday for both groups.  Land and Water test next  Tuesday for group 310.

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