Friday, May 20, 2011

Hot Dogs! Peanuts! Popcorn!

Team Enterprise created some terrific stores in Math! Mrs. Haddox said that she wished she was Oprah and could give us some money to make our stores come true! Team Enterprise got very creative! Above are pictures of our 204's concession stands!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Wellness: (204) page 114, 1-3

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rain, Rain....GO AWAY!!

The rain has made everything beautifully green, but because of the mushy ground, our Field Day is has been rescheduled for June 6th. We're hoping that the sun comes out soon to dry the play areas.

In McD's Cafe, we reflected on the things we have read and learned this year. Each person who visited our cafe, shared the importance of reading and how reading has affected them. We discussed memorable quotes written by various authors, and Mrs. McIlvaine shared quotes people have written on the topic of reading. We then tried our hand at writing memorable quotes that reflect our love of reading. Our words will be compiled into a slide show, soon to be seen on our blog!

We finished our Concession Stands! Today we "visited" our neighbor's stand and calculated their math problems. The problems included sales tax, sale price, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Mrs. Haddox was so impressed! Tomorrow she will include the remainder of the pictures!

Language Arts - Study your spelling words and review your story, The Gold Coin. Quizzes will be on Monday.
Social Studies - Study your study guide. There will be a quiz next Tuesday (open note).
Science - Study Science. Open note test.
Wellness - pg. 107, 1-3

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Every Author Has a Purpose

Today, we practiced the skill of discovering an author's purpose for writing. We reviewed four common purposes: to inform, to persuade, to entertain, and to express. There are many pieces of evidence an author gives us to determine this purpose, and today we applied the skill to a short story called The Tortoise in the Tree.

New words were introduced, including distressed, impatience, insistent, recovery, and stunned. We predicted what part of the plot they each may be part of. This afternoon, we will read the Folk Tale and find out how the words are used. We're sure that there will be a lesson to learn.

We spent time this afternoon finishing our D.A.R.E. essays. Sergeant Cross will be stopping by to collect them on Friday. We also spent time finishing our concession stands. Tomorrow we will be stopping by and "shopping."

Science classes today learned about the three types of chemical reactions. We also discussed the way that some covalent bonds can be molecules. Using organic chemistry, students discussed how elements react to one another.

Math: Concession Stand due Wednesday

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Countdown Begins!

We would like to apologize for being unable to blog on Friday. Our blog site was down for some reason.

This is a busy time at school. When you look at our calendar, you will see the many special events marked for each week. They are events we've all been looking forward to. One event coming this Friday is Field Day! We will be getting our shirts, purchased by the P.F.O. this week.

The talent show was a huge success! Everyone did such a great job! Due to the lighting and our distance from the stage, we will not be posting pictures or video of the show. Hopefully, all of our parents were able to stop in for this show! Congratulations to all who were a part of it!

Today in Language Arts, we took our spelling and story quizzes for The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. We also worked hard to complete our D.A.R.E. essays. Sergeant Cross is collecting the writings this Friday. We hope to submit them by tomorrow. One winning essay will be picked per class.

Math classes are working hard on their concession stands! I wish we could truly build and run them. The students have created fabulous ideas for stores and restaurants. Tomorrow they will be due at the end of class. On Wednesday, we will "visit" each one and complete the problems that were given.


Language Arts - Share new 'Family Times' paper. Review new spelling list.
Math- Concession stands due tomorrow at the end of class.