Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Every Author Has a Purpose

Today, we practiced the skill of discovering an author's purpose for writing. We reviewed four common purposes: to inform, to persuade, to entertain, and to express. There are many pieces of evidence an author gives us to determine this purpose, and today we applied the skill to a short story called The Tortoise in the Tree.

New words were introduced, including distressed, impatience, insistent, recovery, and stunned. We predicted what part of the plot they each may be part of. This afternoon, we will read the Folk Tale and find out how the words are used. We're sure that there will be a lesson to learn.

We spent time this afternoon finishing our D.A.R.E. essays. Sergeant Cross will be stopping by to collect them on Friday. We also spent time finishing our concession stands. Tomorrow we will be stopping by and "shopping."

Science classes today learned about the three types of chemical reactions. We also discussed the way that some covalent bonds can be molecules. Using organic chemistry, students discussed how elements react to one another.

Math: Concession Stand due Wednesday

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