Friday, May 27, 2011

D.A.R.E. Graduation!

The N.S.I.S. and Cecil Intermediate Sixth Grade classes enjoyed a wonderful day at Southpoint's Ice-o-plex! The event began with D.A.R.E. graduation, where winners of the essay contest and students who scored highest on the D.A.R.E. final were awarded prizes and recognized for their efforts. The rest of the afternoon was pure fun! Some students played games and soccer, while others enjoyed skating on the ice. Each student received a D.A.R.E. t-shirt, pin, and certificate signifying successful completion of the program. Enjoy the video! Also, have a great holiday weekend! We will see you on Tuesday!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Special Visit - Last McD's Cafe

Today, at McD's Cafe, our class was fortunate to receive a visit from a special group of students and their enthusiastic teacher. Jonathan's mom is a high school Marketing teacher at Trinity School District in Washington. Her students work on creating their own children's storybook project which they present in the form of a power point presentation. The stories are very well done, and some contain illustrations by the student authors and moving animations. Our students thoroughly enjoyed the stories and were able to judge the stories with rubrics of their own.
We hope that you enjoy the video of the activity!

Tomorrow is our D.A.R.E. graduation at the Southpoint Ice-o-plex. Students are permitted to use their own skates, but they must be brought to school in a bag. When the students arrive tomorrow morning, their D.A.R.E. shirts will be on their desks. We're looking forward to this fun day!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spring Chorus and Band Concert!

We are extremely proud of our Team Enterprise today! Our team is filled with gifted musicians and singers. I know that you will greatly enjoy tonight's concert. A special thank you to our Music and Instrument Teachers!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nine More Days!

Team Enterprise finished their chapter on healthy eating today. They are excited to practice safe food preparation at home! So, get out the cook books! Students were encouraged to look at nutritional labels and to make good choices when they purchase food.
Math classes continued their dominoes today. They are solving problems and finding the answers using dominoes. This week we will creating our own dominoes for each other to solve.
Enjoy the sun!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Coming Down the Home Stretch

Reading classes took their comprehension quiz for The Gold Coin today. We also spelled various forms of words such as human and humane, as well as cleanse and clean. Many of us did very well with this list.

Social Studies was a time of review. We discussed how Africa became colonized and what the Europeans were interested in attaining. We all hope to do well on our quiz tomorrow.

Our slideshow of original reading quotes is in production! Look for it on an upcoming post!

Math classes today reviewed Multiplication of Fractions with a domino math sheet. Today we solved a worksheet, tomorrow we will create our own. Science classes reviewed for their test tomorrow.

Math: Domino Math
Wellness: 114, 1-3 questions
Science: Chemical Reaction Test tomorrow
Social Studies: Quiz tomorrow. Please prepare!