Friday, September 3, 2010

Lovin' the New School Year!

Team Enterprise has enjoyed a great first week of school! We've participated in many activities, and we're looking forward to a year of learning! Before we leave for our long holiday weekend, we wanted to share some of the things we're looking forward to doing. (Look for this video this evening, as the flip program wasn't working at school.)

Homework: Language Arts - Share McD's Cafe letter with parents, and look for a mug to bring to school for Friday (plastic).
Math - Pg. 6, 7-20 - group 202 only
Related Arts - Chorus paper due by next Friday. Phys. Ed. paper due by the next Phys. Ed. class.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Getting to Know Each Other!

We are enjoying a great week together! Our team has been reviewing procedures, class values, and schedules. We have received books and have organized folders and other materials. In addition, we have participated in activities involving art and writing! This work is on display in our hallway, and each piece reflects our individual personalities. We look forward to sharing this at Open House!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome Team!

Welcome to the Team USS Enterprise Blog! Here you will find recaps of the day, all the daily and long-term homework assignments, links for practice, and any other information you may need to complete assignments. It will also be a site where we will showcase student learning activities.

This blog will serve as a way to communicate with our team and parents, as well as give students who are absent an idea of what was covered in class and what needs to be made up for homework.

Please look around and become familiar with the site! You will use this site often to complete assignments as we continue to strive to make Team USS Enterprise a 21st century learning environment.

Mrs. Haddox and I are looking forward to working with our team!