Friday, November 2, 2012

Mr. Nealon Kicks-off Our New Novel!

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We felt fortunate to receive a visit from Mr. Nealon in Language Arts today.  He came as a primary source to help us build background knowledge for our new novel, The Westing Game, by Ellen Raskin.  The novel is a mystery, and there are many interesting characters who all seem suspicious as the plot unfolds.  Mr. Nealon works for the F.B.I., and he shared the meanings of important vocabulary words such as alibi, witness,evidence, etc., as well as how he goes about solving mysteries in his line of work.  In addition, he shared important information, including testimonies, about cyber bullying and crimes stemming from texting/Facebook.  The examples he shared were valuable and pertinent.

Our team meeting was fun today!  Since we rarely get the chance to chitchat, I took the opportunity to touch base with everyone.  I wanted  to find out how they feel about school, since our first grading period is over.  I heard many positive messages today about how the students feel about learning, their friends, etc.  The best news I heard is that a great majority shared that they have not come in contact with bullies.  There are still times when friends hurt their feelings, but the atmosphere is improving.  This was great news!  We began to think about our next special project (a surprise), but we had to take off for Music.

The students are looking forward to Activity Night tonight!  The tickets for this event were handed out at the end of the day, along with Friday folders and test packets.  I hope everyone has a great time!

Reading - We will begin our novel on Monday.
Spelling - Continue to study your words

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wax Museum is a Hit!

Our cafe literature groups shared the novel From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler with our whole school today in an exciting wax museum display.  The gymnasium walls were completely decorated with art work depicting the students' favorite scenes from each chapter of the novel.  Students completed the scenes by acting as characters (frozen as wax figures), complete with furniture and props.  Classical music, provided by Mrs. (Music) McIlvaine, and a more dimly lit gymnasium, were the finishing touches.  The result was convincing, and many teachers and students expressed their enthusiasm.  A movie trailer of the museum is being created, and it will soon be added to this post for your enjoyment.

Other than the Wax Museum project, students attended Music/Technology and visited the Library for an exchange of books.

Reading - Make sure you've read The Telephone Call.  Review your vocabulary words.
Social Studies - Complete your organizer for your fable.

Mrs. Friday's Group:
Spelling - Writing, 3Xeach/study, 2 workbook pages
Math - Simplifying fraction w.s. 1/2 - group 1
            1/2 4 table w.s. - group 2

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

C.I.S. Rocks Against Drugs and Bullying!

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Today, students received a special treat by getting to attend a concert by a band in which our own Mr. Tatum keeps the beat called Tree of Silent.  The group was here as a part of our Olweus Bullying program and Red Ribbon Week. 

The Telephone Call, an excerpt from Meet the Austins, by award winning author Madeleine L'Engle, was a story we began reading in Language Arts today.  It is a classic realistic fiction story about a family going through a crisis.  Before reading, we discussed ways that we deal with crisis situations in our families.  Words such as bewilderment, cope, objective, orphan, and tactful were thoroughly discussed and predictions were made about how the words would come up in the story.  We knew that the telephone call would bring bad news, and we want to find out how the family would cope. 

Today was team chorus day.  The majority of our team participates in chorus, and they are busily preparing music for the winter concert. I'm sure today's concert gave everyone in the chorus some inspiration!

Reading - Finish reading The Telephone Call.  Come prepared for The Wax Museum with any costumes or props necessary.
Social Studies - Make sure your organizer is complete for the fable you'll be writing.
Science - Sun article due on Thursday

Mrs. Friday's Students:
Spelling - Comprehension, sentence, and 2 workbook pages
Math - 1/2 simplifying fraction w.s. - Group 1
            4 tables w.s. - Group 2

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sandy Causes a Delay

A Super Storm (Sandy) hits the Northeast
Although we heard so much about this huge storm before it hit, none of us could imagine the impact it would have on so many people.  So many people have been affected by it, particularly New York and New Jersey.  The heavy rain and strong winds forced schools around the area to delay starts or cancel.  We're happy that our area was able to maintain power and avoid experiencing flooding.  Also, we were able to attend school!

During Social Studies, students were introduced to a cultural tour of East Africa, particularly the country of Kenya.  Many pictures involving foods eaten, sports played, music, dance, clothing, and schools were explored.  The students also began work on organizing for fable writing.  They will write to a specific theme using animals found in Africa as characters.



Reading - No new assignment due to missing class today.  Complete reading pgs. 104-105 and complete practice book p. 41.
Spelling - Trace +2 is due tomorrow.
Science - Sun article is due on Thursday
Social Studies - Make an effort to add to your organizer for your fable.  Work must show progress.  
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - ABC order, complete your 2 wk.bk. pgs.

Monday, October 29, 2012

PINK Power!

Before we say goodbye to October, we wanted to show our Pink Power in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Many people have worn their pink throughout the month, but we called a special day to show our support for this battle. 

When we weren't putting the finishing touches on our Wax Museum project due this Thursday, we were learning about character analysis.  This is not a new skill, since we analyze characters each week for cafe, but it is one that will be important in our upcoming novel.  The Westing Game is a mystery with many characters.  We will be analyzing what they do, what they say, and what others say about them in the weeks ahead.  Our new story is a realistic fiction story called  The Telephone Call. We will study and discuss the characters in this short story, as well, and find out how they deal with a tragic incident. 

During P.S.S.A. prep, we applied the skills we learned throughout the nine weeks involving main idea, theme, details, word power, and others.  We applied the skills to three short stories, along with questions posed similarly to the P.S.S.A.  Everyone seemed to be on the right track when we reviewed today. 

We enjoyed learning more about World leaders and events in Social Studies today.  Our Junior Scholastic magazines have interesting and current information, and we enjoyed exploring and discussing the information.  Part of our exploration included matching countries with world leaders.  Other parts made us think more deeply about the information we read.  For instance - What should the U.S. leaders do to help ensure that Afghanistan doesn't descend into chaos after U.S. troops leave the country by the end of 2014?

Math - Angle worksheet
Reading - Share new Family Times.  Read pgs. 104-105 and complete p. 41 in practice book.
Spelling - Trace +2 due on Wednesday.
Wellness - Dwarf planets are due tomorrow.
Mrs. Friday's class:
Spelling - Stairstep, 2 pgs.
Math - Reducing fraction w.s. - group 1 and 1/2 w.s. division facts. - group 2