Friday, November 2, 2012

Mr. Nealon Kicks-off Our New Novel!

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We felt fortunate to receive a visit from Mr. Nealon in Language Arts today.  He came as a primary source to help us build background knowledge for our new novel, The Westing Game, by Ellen Raskin.  The novel is a mystery, and there are many interesting characters who all seem suspicious as the plot unfolds.  Mr. Nealon works for the F.B.I., and he shared the meanings of important vocabulary words such as alibi, witness,evidence, etc., as well as how he goes about solving mysteries in his line of work.  In addition, he shared important information, including testimonies, about cyber bullying and crimes stemming from texting/Facebook.  The examples he shared were valuable and pertinent.

Our team meeting was fun today!  Since we rarely get the chance to chitchat, I took the opportunity to touch base with everyone.  I wanted  to find out how they feel about school, since our first grading period is over.  I heard many positive messages today about how the students feel about learning, their friends, etc.  The best news I heard is that a great majority shared that they have not come in contact with bullies.  There are still times when friends hurt their feelings, but the atmosphere is improving.  This was great news!  We began to think about our next special project (a surprise), but we had to take off for Music.

The students are looking forward to Activity Night tonight!  The tickets for this event were handed out at the end of the day, along with Friday folders and test packets.  I hope everyone has a great time!

Reading - We will begin our novel on Monday.
Spelling - Continue to study your words

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