Monday, November 5, 2012

Catch That Sentence!

Now that students are familiar with simple sentences, fragments, dependent clauses, independent clauses, compound and complex sentences, we are taking a look at run-on sentences.  Run-on sentences are common, and today we learned about options we have for fixing them.  The video above will help you to review the punctuation needed.

The Telephone Call was a story we read at the end of last week, but never reviewed due to all that was going on, such as our wax museum and Mr. Nealon's visit.  Today, Miss Albitz conducted a thorough discussion of the story.  The characters and how they dealt with their grief was analyzed.  In the story, the characters came to the conclusion that there are some things that we'll never understand in this world. Particularly confusing in this story was dealing with change and death.  Although this story was sad, many of us go through a family crisis from time to time.  Hopefully the students will draw some comfort from how these characters were able to cope.
Students heard the first chapter of The Westing Game read to them today.  They were given new cafe groups, a character log, and a new role for this Thursday's cafe.  Since the cafe will take place on Thursday, students are only assigned two chapters.  Already they can see that there will be many clues to pay attention to in this new novel.  I know they'll have fun reading!


Math - cryptograph paper
Reading - Read chapters 1 and 2 in The Westing Game.  Take notes on characters and complete your role for Thursday.
Spelling - Study your words!  Visit Spelling City for practice!
Writing - Fragments and Run-ons practice sheet
Science - Bring in alien materials
Wellness - Ch. 4-1 vocabulary and questions for Friday.  Also bring exercise report card (week#1)
Mrs. Friday's Homework:
Spelling - Stairstep, 2 wk.bk pages
Math - Reducing fraction 1/2 w.s. - Group 1 and 4 Tables - Group 2

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