Friday, November 30, 2012

Ending the Week on a Good Note!

The students are excited to be playing the piano in Music.  Mrs. (Music) McIlvaine has many electric pianos about the room, and she is teaching them to read music and play.  Casie and Maddie said that today they were able to play a five note song called Penta, and they began work on a song called Spring in China.  What a great opportunity for the students to get to play the piano!  Someone may discover a hidden talent!

Our Language Arts stations got us moving about today and practicing skills.  The stations included practice with proper and common nouns, application of the skill of making judgements using leveled readers, and unscrambling spelling tiles. Additionally, the students were quizzed on select vocabulary words from chapters 8-12 in The Westing Game.  They did very well!  It was busy, busy, busy, and before we knew it, the period was over! 

During class meeting time, we discussed the meaning of EMPATHY and how it helps us in our relationships with others.  We explored empathetic responses, as well as when it is easy or difficult to show empathy.  We are looking for ways to demonstrate empathy  in the week ahead.  I was so pleased with the students' honesty and willingness to share ideas throughout the lesson. 

Sixth graders will be taking a field trip on December 19th!  The permission slip and release were included in today's Friday envelope and is due back on December 7th.  We are excited to take a trip to The Carnegie Museum of Natural History.


Reading - Read chapters 13-18 in The Westing Game and complete newly assigned role.  Also, review vocabulary and the story A Trouble-Making Crow for Tuesday's quiz.
Spelling - Quiz on Tuesday.  Study.
Mrs. Friday's students have no homework. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Guess Who!

The Voki above represents Mystery Theatre #3!  Have fun, and give it a try!

Today, during our reading cafe, first on the menu was a game to test the students' knowledge of the characters in The Westing Game.  Each student placed a character sticker on another student's back.  They were then free to roam the room, asking questions that could help them determine the name of the character on their back.  They could only ask questions requiring a yes or no answer.  They seemed to enjoy the activity.  I hope you enjoy watching them on the video!

We are learning so much more about the characters in the game, but many seem suspicious to us.  Some suspect Sydelle, while others think she's the "mistake" in the game.  Others think that Mr. Hoo has something to hide. The details are leading some to believe that Mr.Westing isn't dead at all!   I'm happy to see that the students are adding to their notes about each character as new information is found. 

There were great discussions today!  The students have some new words to review this evening, including coiffure, pretentious, sappy, impeccable, infirmity, chide, inscrutable, prattle, coincidence, bigot, scoff, and defiant.  The next portion of reading has been assigned!  We are looking forward to a visit from Mr.Westing himself at next week's cafe!  Very scary!

At the end of the day, Riley shared a little about his dad's job in the coal mine.  He works for Consol Energy's BMX mine.  Riley brought in pieces of coal, equipment that his dad wears for safety, and a fossil his dad found on the job.  It was an interesting presentation, and Riley gave each student a piece of coal (made of rubber) or a gas tower (made of rubber) for their own.  Thank you, Riley!

Math - Wk.bk. p. 19, front side
Reading - Read chapters 13-18 and complete your new role for next Thursday.  Also, complete vocabulary puzzle.  Study meanings for tomorrow's quiz.
Spelling - study your words using Spelling City
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Comprehension
Math - Simplifying fractions - group 1
            Lesson 33 - group 2

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Back to Work!

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of talking with parents during our conference day and evening.  It was nice to see so many parents so involved in their children's learning.  Thank you to all who made it!  Know that we can talk at any time through e-mail or over the phone in the weeks ahead.

Although the break was enjoyable, it was great to get back to work!  We read an interesting story today called A Trouble-Making Crow.  Many of us were surprised at how intelligent crows are!  The family in the story had a crow for a pet! The students were guided through the reading by Miss Albitz, who asked many great questions to create discussion and check for understanding.  We are close to finishing and will conclude tomorrow after cafe.

 Here are some interesting facts about crows!
  • Crows are usually black in color all over, but some species are not totally black and are found with white, gray or brown coloring around the neck or the beak.
  • Crows are considered to be very intelligent creatures and have existed since a long time due to their ability to adapt to changing situations. They belong to the corvid family of birds and are highly adaptable to any kind of situation.
  • The Corvus Brachyrhynchos or the Common Crow measures around 20 - 30 cm in length and has a wingspan that is double the size. Their strong and sharp beaks help them rummage for food from almost anywhere.
  • Crows are migratory birds and assemble in huge groups in order to migrate during fall and winters, since they cannot stand harsh climate. A bunch of crows is called as ‘murder’!
  • They are not restricted to a particular habitat and can easily breed and survive in a variety of habitats, which includes mountains, woodlands, plains, farms & fields as well as modern urban areas.
  • The average number of eggs laid by the female is 4 - 7. Both male and female take turns to guard the nest and the male takes the initiative to incubate them. Crows usually have a single mate for life unless one dies or is captured.
  • They are known to be both beneficial as well as a nuisance for farmers. Though they eat up a number of pests that may destroy crops like cutworms, wireworms, grasshoppers, etc. they are also known to destroy a large number of crops by pecking on them, their favorite being corn!

A new program has been developed by the F.B.I. to educate students about internet safety.  Mr. Nealon shared the program with me when he spoke to our class in cafe.  He gave me the information to register the class so that they can benefit.  It's called FBI-SOS (Safe Online Surfing).  It promotes cyber citizenship and teaches students in 3rd through 8th grades how to recognize and respond to online dangers.  I've registered both groups and have posted the link to our blog.  The students also have been issued access key numbers that they may use for the testing portion.  They may begin to explore the lessons, games, scavenger hunts, etc. on line as soon as possible.  Some took a peek at the end of the day. It is hoped that the program will help them stay protected online and become responsible cyber citizens.

The second large group Chorus rehearsal took place today!  I hear that the students are doing a great job, and I'm looking forward to hearing the rehearsal next week when I help with supervision.

Math - p. 18 (both sides)
Reading - Read chapters 8-12 in The Westing Game and complete your role for tomorrow.  Be ready to discuss A Trouble-Making Crow, as well.
Spelling - study
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - none
Math - Mixed numbers - Group 1
            Lesson 32 w.s. - Group 2