Thursday, November 29, 2012

Guess Who!

The Voki above represents Mystery Theatre #3!  Have fun, and give it a try!

Today, during our reading cafe, first on the menu was a game to test the students' knowledge of the characters in The Westing Game.  Each student placed a character sticker on another student's back.  They were then free to roam the room, asking questions that could help them determine the name of the character on their back.  They could only ask questions requiring a yes or no answer.  They seemed to enjoy the activity.  I hope you enjoy watching them on the video!

We are learning so much more about the characters in the game, but many seem suspicious to us.  Some suspect Sydelle, while others think she's the "mistake" in the game.  Others think that Mr. Hoo has something to hide. The details are leading some to believe that Mr.Westing isn't dead at all!   I'm happy to see that the students are adding to their notes about each character as new information is found. 

There were great discussions today!  The students have some new words to review this evening, including coiffure, pretentious, sappy, impeccable, infirmity, chide, inscrutable, prattle, coincidence, bigot, scoff, and defiant.  The next portion of reading has been assigned!  We are looking forward to a visit from Mr.Westing himself at next week's cafe!  Very scary!

At the end of the day, Riley shared a little about his dad's job in the coal mine.  He works for Consol Energy's BMX mine.  Riley brought in pieces of coal, equipment that his dad wears for safety, and a fossil his dad found on the job.  It was an interesting presentation, and Riley gave each student a piece of coal (made of rubber) or a gas tower (made of rubber) for their own.  Thank you, Riley!

Math - Wk.bk. p. 19, front side
Reading - Read chapters 13-18 and complete your new role for next Thursday.  Also, complete vocabulary puzzle.  Study meanings for tomorrow's quiz.
Spelling - study your words using Spelling City
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Comprehension
Math - Simplifying fractions - group 1
            Lesson 33 - group 2

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