Friday, March 2, 2012

Say No!

Alcohol was the topic in our D.A.R.E. class today. Officer Strain shared information about alcohol abuse and how it affects those who drink. In addition to the negative physical effects, he shared legal consequences. The health facts, statistics, and situations presented were very interesting. This week we are applying the D.A.R.E. decision making model to solve situations where we may be tempted to use alcohol. The slides are from today's class. Enjoy!

And the Oscar goes to.....many students in our Language Arts class! Today, we performed our play Elizabeth Blackwell. It was a lot of fun and we learned so much about the first woman to become a doctor.

Have a great weekend!
Don't forget to share the contents of your Friday folder and get test packet signed.

Reading - Read May in The Wednesday Wars and complete your role for Thursday.
Quiz on Elizabeth Blackwell on Monday.
Wellness - Ch. 4, Lesson 1 work is due on Monday. Also, get D.A.R.E. Home Sheet signed by your parents. Complete the following in your D.A.R.E. book for Wednesday: p. 18,19,20 and pg. 33 and 29.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

For the Record!

Today was Readers' Cafe Day! The students enjoyed great discussions about Holling and Mrs. Baker. During this chapter, Holling continued his running and even received a bit of training from Mrs. Baker. He's careful not to run too fast around the 8th graders though. There are consequences for passing them that aren't too pleasant. Mrs. Baker showed once more how much she cares for Holling, by taking him to Opening Day at Yankee stadium. While there, he learns that Mrs. Baker ran in the Olympics! One of the players recognized her! We decided in cafe today that Mrs. Baker needs Holling and Holling needs Mrs. Baker. Pictured above in the slideshow are scenes from today's class and pictures of 'For the Record' projects. Each week, students have written impressions of the story, in a circular direction, like the grooves on a record. At the end, each student will think of a theme song for the story and write the title on the record. These will be on display next week following the exciting conclusion to the story.

Reading - There will be a quiz on the story, Elizabeth Blackwell, tomorrow.
Read May in The Wednesday Wars. We will conclude work on the story next week.
Spelling - Test tomorrow.
Wellness - Complete Ch. 4, lesson 1 work.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Testing, Testing, 1-2-3

Language Arts was a time of showing what we know. Today was our third Benchmark Test in Reading. We demonstrated our understanding of persuasive writings, poetry, comparisons of text, and other important comprehension skills. This time our test had two open-ended questions. One involved an interpretation of poetry, and the other a comparison of two writings. We worked hard and followed the procedures for tests that we've been practicing all year long.

Reading - Tomorrow we will have cafe! Be ready with your reading and role!
Spelling - Keep studying your list for Elizabeth Blackwell. Test on Friday.
Math - Study.
Wellness - Ch. 4, lesson 1
Tech. Ed. - Orthographic picture due tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Attitude is Everything!

Although every lesson pertains to strengthening the skills we need to be successful in our learning and growth, we are focusing on keeping positive attitudes as we review for the coming P.S.S.A. tests of mid-March. Each day should bring us more confidence. Ultimately, we have practiced like we'll play the game!

In Language Arts, we reviewed our Buckle Down assignment relating to comparing texts. The group did well proving answers. Our preparation for cafe took some of our time, and most of us have gotten very close to finishing the book.

In Social Studies, we took our test on land and water of Europe and Russia. When finished, we began our reading of Elizabeth Blackwell: Medical Pioneer. Elizabeth was the first woman doctor, and our selection is written as a play. On Friday, we'll get to perform the play in class. This should be fun!

Reading - Read April in The Wednesday Wars and complete your role for Thursday. Review vocabulary for Elizabeth Blackwell. Quiz on Friday.
Math - Pg. 67 in workbook (front and back) is due completed tomorrow.
Spelling - Quiz on Friday. Study words.
Wellness - D.A.R.E. work is due tomorrow. Ch. 4, Lesson 1 review due next Monday.
Tech. Ed. - Draw an orthographic picture for Thursday.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sharing Aspects of '60s Culture

Before our collages go on display, we are sharing them with you! Enjoy!

Today in Language Arts we practiced comparing and contrasting texts. Since authors have different ideas about the same topic and very different ways of expressing themselves, often their tone, style, and personality come through. When comparing two passages, we have to consider the following areas: genre, topic, range of information, quality and amount of supporting details, organization, and author's attitude/purpose. For practice, we read two passages and noted comparisons and contrasts on a Venn Diagram. As a group, we discussed our findings. Everyone worked hard! We were deep thinkers!

Social Studies was a time of review and discussion. Our test is tomorrow, so please review a bit more tonight.

Reading - Complete your Form A practice pgs. 18-24 in Buckle Down. We will review them tomorrow. Read April in The Wednesday Wars and complete your role for this Thursday.
Math - Complete the two pages you were assigned in your packet.
Spelling - Spelling practice p. 44. Test this Friday.
Social Studies - Study your guides and lesson. Quiz tomorrow.
Wellness - Pg. 125, 1-5, due next Monday.
Tech Ed. - Draw your orthographic picture