Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Attitude is Everything!

Although every lesson pertains to strengthening the skills we need to be successful in our learning and growth, we are focusing on keeping positive attitudes as we review for the coming P.S.S.A. tests of mid-March. Each day should bring us more confidence. Ultimately, we have practiced like we'll play the game!

In Language Arts, we reviewed our Buckle Down assignment relating to comparing texts. The group did well proving answers. Our preparation for cafe took some of our time, and most of us have gotten very close to finishing the book.

In Social Studies, we took our test on land and water of Europe and Russia. When finished, we began our reading of Elizabeth Blackwell: Medical Pioneer. Elizabeth was the first woman doctor, and our selection is written as a play. On Friday, we'll get to perform the play in class. This should be fun!

Reading - Read April in The Wednesday Wars and complete your role for Thursday. Review vocabulary for Elizabeth Blackwell. Quiz on Friday.
Math - Pg. 67 in workbook (front and back) is due completed tomorrow.
Spelling - Quiz on Friday. Study words.
Wellness - D.A.R.E. work is due tomorrow. Ch. 4, Lesson 1 review due next Monday.
Tech. Ed. - Draw an orthographic picture for Thursday.

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