Friday, March 2, 2012

Say No!

Alcohol was the topic in our D.A.R.E. class today. Officer Strain shared information about alcohol abuse and how it affects those who drink. In addition to the negative physical effects, he shared legal consequences. The health facts, statistics, and situations presented were very interesting. This week we are applying the D.A.R.E. decision making model to solve situations where we may be tempted to use alcohol. The slides are from today's class. Enjoy!

And the Oscar goes to.....many students in our Language Arts class! Today, we performed our play Elizabeth Blackwell. It was a lot of fun and we learned so much about the first woman to become a doctor.

Have a great weekend!
Don't forget to share the contents of your Friday folder and get test packet signed.

Reading - Read May in The Wednesday Wars and complete your role for Thursday.
Quiz on Elizabeth Blackwell on Monday.
Wellness - Ch. 4, Lesson 1 work is due on Monday. Also, get D.A.R.E. Home Sheet signed by your parents. Complete the following in your D.A.R.E. book for Wednesday: p. 18,19,20 and pg. 33 and 29.

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