Wednesday, October 31, 2012

C.I.S. Rocks Against Drugs and Bullying!

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Today, students received a special treat by getting to attend a concert by a band in which our own Mr. Tatum keeps the beat called Tree of Silent.  The group was here as a part of our Olweus Bullying program and Red Ribbon Week. 

The Telephone Call, an excerpt from Meet the Austins, by award winning author Madeleine L'Engle, was a story we began reading in Language Arts today.  It is a classic realistic fiction story about a family going through a crisis.  Before reading, we discussed ways that we deal with crisis situations in our families.  Words such as bewilderment, cope, objective, orphan, and tactful were thoroughly discussed and predictions were made about how the words would come up in the story.  We knew that the telephone call would bring bad news, and we want to find out how the family would cope. 

Today was team chorus day.  The majority of our team participates in chorus, and they are busily preparing music for the winter concert. I'm sure today's concert gave everyone in the chorus some inspiration!

Reading - Finish reading The Telephone Call.  Come prepared for The Wax Museum with any costumes or props necessary.
Social Studies - Make sure your organizer is complete for the fable you'll be writing.
Science - Sun article due on Thursday

Mrs. Friday's Students:
Spelling - Comprehension, sentence, and 2 workbook pages
Math - 1/2 simplifying fraction w.s. - Group 1
            4 tables w.s. - Group 2

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