Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rain, Rain....GO AWAY!!

The rain has made everything beautifully green, but because of the mushy ground, our Field Day is has been rescheduled for June 6th. We're hoping that the sun comes out soon to dry the play areas.

In McD's Cafe, we reflected on the things we have read and learned this year. Each person who visited our cafe, shared the importance of reading and how reading has affected them. We discussed memorable quotes written by various authors, and Mrs. McIlvaine shared quotes people have written on the topic of reading. We then tried our hand at writing memorable quotes that reflect our love of reading. Our words will be compiled into a slide show, soon to be seen on our blog!

We finished our Concession Stands! Today we "visited" our neighbor's stand and calculated their math problems. The problems included sales tax, sale price, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Mrs. Haddox was so impressed! Tomorrow she will include the remainder of the pictures!

Language Arts - Study your spelling words and review your story, The Gold Coin. Quizzes will be on Monday.
Social Studies - Study your study guide. There will be a quiz next Tuesday (open note).
Science - Study Science. Open note test.
Wellness - pg. 107, 1-3

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