Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Poke and Peek?

The students are learning the countries found in each region of Africa, among other things.  One tool that they have for practice is called a poke and peek map.  This map is in their hands and ready to use!  They should be using the map each night to learn the location and names of North Africa's countries.  Miss Albitz also started a special, colorful presentation using a Powerpoint she created filled with pictures and video clips.  We saw a piece of it today, and this will continue tomorrow.

Students worked on reading and roles, finished a writing prompt relating to a story in our anthology, and participated in our Open House video.  They worked through stations applying their reading, writing, and speaking skills.  Many have done very well with their roles, and the directors are writing excellent questions that will cause interesting discussions on Thursday.
Our next story is called Teammates and is a biography about a relationship shared by Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese.  A new 'Family Times' paper was sent home today which gives a summary, new vocabulary, grammar goals, and the new spelling list.  Students have a tricky list of /ie/ and /ei/ patterns this week. We reviewed a rule that can help them with many of these words, but found there are exceptions to the rule.  Study will be important!

Reading - Read chapters 1-2 in The Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, and complete your assigned role for Thursday.  The role must be cut and ready to go!  Finish your prompt if you didn't do so in class.
Spelling - Trace +2 for new list due on Thursday.
Social Studies - Quiz on North Africa's countries this Friday.
Wellness - Vocabulary questions are due tomorrow.  Other questions are due Friday.

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