Thursday, November 18, 2010

It was a McD's Day!! We played a guessing game trying to determine the character's name from Charlie Bone. Miss C taped the name on our back and we had to ask questions to try and determine the character. Mrs. H and Miss C were impressed with our discussions. We cannot wait to turn the page and keep reading!!

Math classes started to multiply decimals. We played Frogger, using a green pen to move our decimals. Remember, it is not the same method that we used for addition and subtraction! We had fun using the Promethean Board to practice.

We showed Miss C our knowledge today in Social Studies as we took the Section 3 Quiz on Natural Resources. During our next few class periods, we will be reviewing and discussing in preparation for the Chapter 1 test next Wednesday.

Many of us started typing up final drafts of the Turkey Talk essay! We helped each other out by peer editing and making final changes to our drafts. I am so anxious to hear these being presented next week!

Reading classes started a new story titled, "From A Spark." We focused on the skill of predicting. Students practiced predicting and found that when doing so, they used prior knowledge and context clues to help.

Math: Worksheet page 23 front and back
Social Studies: Chapter 1 Test on Wednesday 11/24.
Reading: Read p. 209 - 261 in Midnight for Charlie Bone and complete role.
Writing: Final Draft of "Turkey Talk" essay due Monday 11/22.

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