Monday, November 15, 2010


The Science classes started discovering the parts of a volcano. Do you know the difference between magma and lava? Beneath every volcano is a source of magma. Magma is molten rock beneath the surface. Magma is lava once it comes out of the vent.

The math classes started a review of the first four sections of chapter 2. We reviewed understanding decimals, comparing and ordering decimals, rounding decimals, and estimating with decimals. The homework on page 85 tonight is graded.

The classes are trying to keep their Manic Minutes! If we continue to listen and not talk, we can keep our 20 minutes to visit and talk to our friends on Friday at the end of the day!

In social studies we focused on the natural resources of Eastern and
Western Europe. We learned of their importance and that these resources exist naturally and are not created by mankind. Tomorrow we will be focusing on Russia’s natural resources and comparing the two.

We attempted centers today in Reading to get a final review in before tomorrow’s testing on “A Trouble-Making Crow.” Centers included spelling practice, a new vocabulary review game, and small group with Miss C. Everyone seemed to have a strong understanding of the story, but it doesn’t hurt to keep studying!

Lastly, we finally kicked off our Turkey writing! Tomorrow we will start the writing process and continue to work on this all week. Turkeys: Don’t forget to come up with some convincing alternatives for the farmer tomorrow. After all, it’s your life on the line!

Reading: Spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension tests on “A
Trouble-Making Crow.
Writing: Start thinking about how you’re going to convince the farmer
not to serve YOU as his Thanksgiving meal!
Social Studies: None
Math: Page 85, 1-26, Graded
Science: (202) Read up to D33 and define vocabulary

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