Thursday, November 11, 2010

We are sending Mrs. McIlvaine our love and wishes! We will miss you!

Today we started Blogging! We learned how to use our Kids Blog with the help of the Promethean Board today. Mrs. H and Miss C took us to the lab where we created our first post. Many of the students got quite creative with their castings. We look forward to viewing each others posts!

A reminder that the Blog is an extension of the classroom. All postings should be of the highest quality and should be related to what we are learning in class. The students were given a detailed outline of how to log onto their blog and how to post pictures for their assignments.

The students are reading away in Midnight for Charlie Bone book. The assignment is to read pages 105-209 for Thursday and to have your role completed and ready.

Math classes are continuing to use decimals. We are rounding money to make estimations. The students used a menu to round prices and to estimate the cost of a meal they might have at Regina's Cafe.

Science classes are using their map plotting skills by finding the longitude and latitude of the volcanoes around the world. Soon we will be studying specific volcanoes and creating a poster highlighting our research.

We also visited our learning centers today and turned fractions into decimals.


Spelling and Reading Test on Tuesday on A Trouble Making Crow

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