Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Team Enterprise Casting Agency

Hi! I'm Mrs. Mac, and I'm a member of the Team Enterprise Casting Agency! After reading the first part of Midnight for Charlie Bone, I've decided that this book would make a great movie! One of my favorite characters is the very mysterious Uncle Paton. In the story, Uncle Paton stays to himself and seems lonely and somewhat sad. He eats by himself and only ventures out at night. I picture him thin and in shape, due to his nightly walks, and the quick way he swept through the heavy rain when we first met him in the story. Several times in the story, it says that Paton walked fast. Now knowing his endowment, I can tell he feels uncomfortable and doesn't want attention drawn to himself. Although I've just met this character, and he seems dark, I feel good about Paton. He seems to look out for Charlie and have good intentions. His sisters, who intimidate others in the family, do not seem to bother him. In deciding who I would cast as Uncle Paton, I considered many actors. I chose Orlando Bloom because he is thin, and has deep, dark eyes. I liked his strength, confidence, and loyalty to friends when playing Will Turner in Pirates of the Carribean. Also, I'd truly enjoy watching him in the movie (hahahaha). He is my pick for Uncle Paton!

The writing above is a modeled example for a new project introduced to our team today at McD's Cafe. Each member of our team now has a blog! Our blogs are private to the members of our team. We will blog about many things, and our friends in the class will be able to comment on the content! This creativity and sharing has us truly excited. Our first assignment is based on our present novel Midnight for Charlie Bone. Mrs. Mac asked us to think about the characters we have been introduced to thus far. We're asked to consider their physical traits and personality. Each of us drew a character's name from a basket today at McD's Cafe. We are to pretend that we are part of a casting agency assigned the job of choosing actors to play our selected characters. We must search for and describe what we know about the character from the story. Then, we are to choose an actor to play the part. Our actor must be a fit physically, and he/she must have shown the ability to play our character's personality. We will download a picture of the actor/actress on our blog and complete the writing. Then, we will visit each blog to see what everyone has come up with! Who knows? This may lead to a career for some of us!

Language Arts - Read pg. 105-209 in Midnight for Charlie Bone and complete your new role. Spelling and Reading tests for A Trouble-Making Crow will be on Tuesday.
Math - Pg 21 (both sides)
Science (202)- Find the longitude and latitude for the volcanoes.

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