Monday, November 8, 2010

We Get a Kick Out of Reading!

Some students ALWAYS have their nose in a book! Since it is the end of the first nine week period, it was time for us to see who met their goals for our Accelerated Reading Program. Many students were rewarded today for reaching or surpassing their goals! Those super readers went to the gym at the end of the day for kickball.

Did you know that today is the 115th Anniversary of the Discovery of the X-ray?

The Math Classes had fun today comparing and ordering decimals. They used the Promethean Board to play a decimal game with the class. Remember to add a zero to a place value to help you compare decimals. On Wednesday morning, Team Enterprise will be taking their Math Benchmark.

Room 204 had a Science Review today on Erosion and Deposition. The students reviewed with the class on the Promethean Board and also quizzed each other using their review sheets. We are excited about the next chapter on Volcanoes!

Do you make judgments? We all do! Today we read a short story and looked for the judgments the author was making about wolves. We looked further to find evidence of support the author had for these opinions. Our new story is about a trouble-making crow. What do you think about crows? Do you think they're trouble-makers? Our author may provide enough evidence to change your mind.

In Social Studies, we reviewed for our test tomorrow. We also began to learn about important natural resources found in Europe and how they are used.

Language Arts - Share your new 'Family Times' paper with your parents. Complete your trace +2 exercise. Read through page 104 in Midnight for Charlie Bone and complete your role for Thursday.
Math - p. 19 (both sides)
Social Studies - Quiz on section 2 tomorrow. Travel Journals are due this Wednesday.
Science - Quiz tomorrow.

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