Friday, November 5, 2010

An End to Another Great Week!

Team Enterprise is excited about their new novel, Midnight for Charlie Bone. We've had to make some adjustments in beginning this novel due to being short a few copies, but the books are in, and we're ready to take off. The story has many interesting characters. Some will send chills down our spines!

Today was our second Learning Station Day for the week. We continued to work on our reading comprehension skills with a story called Lost, and we practiced adding and subtracting decimals, as well as measuring perimeter and area. Everyone worked hard.

In Lab, many of us concluded work on our Travel Journals. The journals are due next Wednesday, and no further class time will be spent on the project.

Science classes enjoyed and discussed a video about erosion. They were surprised to see our Three Rivers! Why is the Mononogahela River so muddy? We learned about how the rivers can move sediment quickly through the water. We also expanded upon our vocabulary from the chapter.

Math classes reviewed naming decimals and place values. We enjoyed using the Promethean Board to discover how to compare and order decimals. We will continue this on Monday.

Math: Decimal Worksheet
Science: Erosion Worksheet, front and back
Language Arts - Read through page 104 in Midnight for Charlie Bone. Complete your newly assigned role.
Social Studies - Quiz on Section 2 next Tues. Travel Journal due Wednesday.
Wellness - Finish poster - due Monday
Giving Thanks Essay is due Monday.

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