Friday, November 19, 2010

Dodgeball Tournament!

Sixth Grade is trying to win a place in the schoolwide Dodgeball Tournament! The students have been challenged to gather pledges for every point that they earn on the Accelerated Reader tests between November 1 through December 3. If Sixth Grade earns enough pledges, they can participate in the tournament against Fifth Grade. The more money we raise, the higher rank we receive on the tournament bracket. The money earned will go to the new Frank Sarris Public Library! There will be pledge forms in their Friday Folders!

Also in the Enterprise Friday Folder are the times for your scheduled Teacher Conferences on November 30th. All conferences will take place in Mrs. Haddox's (202) room. Please note that each meeting is ten minutes in length. When you arrive and it is your scheduled time, please knock on the door. Miss Cataldo and I look forward to speaking with you!

Math classes today continued multiplying decimals. We used the mini-white boards to practice our skills! Monday we will begin dividing decimals.

Language Arts: Trace x2 and vocabulary worksheets. "Turkey Talk" essay is NOT due until Tuesday 11/23. Bring in any "disguise" items for your turkey IF you wish.

Read Charlie Bone p. 209 - 261 and complete role. We will not be having McD's until 12/2 (due to Thanksgiving break). Roles are not due until then.

Writing: None

Social Studies: Chapter 1 worksheet (only the fill in the blanks). Chapter 1 test Wednesday 11/24.

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