Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Week!

Team Enterprise is working hard this short week!

In Math, we are carefully diving decimals. Mrs. H gave us a model and a multiplication chart to help us with our division. We need to take our time and be careful when we are putting our answers in the correct place value. We will continue dividing decimals when we return from Thanksgiving Break.

Science classes are pretending to be reporters that are covering the eruption of Mount St. Helens. We read an account of a fictional reporter covering the events and now we are putting the account into our own words. Mrs. H gave us an overview of what is to be expected in this typed journal entry. We cannot wait to share our journal entries with the class!

In Writing, we are finishing our Turkey Talk Essays. We are getting quite creative with our disguises!

Wednesday is an early dismissal at 1:30 PM. In the morning, we will be having a laser light show!

Homework (due 11/23):
Math: (202) R 2-7; (204) R 2-7 and P 2-7
Social Studies: Test on Chapter 1, Sections 1-3
Reading: Read Midnight for Charlie Bone pages 209-261 and complete role for the Thursday that we return from break.

Due to the short week, this will be the only blog. There will be no homework over Thanksgiving break! :)

Mrs. Haddox and Miss Cataldo wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and we look forward to seeing you for Parent/Teacher Conferences on November 30th.

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