Friday, April 27, 2012

Unsung Heroes

What a great end to the school week!  This morning, we began our day with a special tribute to some of Cecil's unsung heroes.  We honored our police, firemen, paramedics, and others who offer their services to our community. After saying our pledge and singing the national anthem, we heard from Mr. Chambers, who shared a few words about the importance of the work these people do.  Mrs. McIlvaine led the 5th grade chorus in a beautiful patriotic song about the Unsung Hero in their honor.  Finally, the group was escorted to the cafeteria for a delicious breakfast with students who are involved in service organizations, like the Boy and Girl Scouts.  The special event was organized by Mrs.Crys Deming and was a great success.  It's so important to say thanks.  


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