Thursday, April 26, 2012

Science Fun!

A big thanks goes out to CISPO for once again sponsoring an interesting day of learning fun! Today, we were treated to Ion Jones and the Lost Castle of Chemistry, a Carnegie Science Center program.  The program started in the gym where we met Ion Jones himself.  He shared information about elements and chemical reactions.  We watched him eat a candle, or so we thought, and cause explosions.  Later, we visited hands-on stations where we had great fun.  Thanks, CISPO!

Due to the program and students being away for 'Take Your Child to Work Day,' we spent our extra periods working on our D.A.R.E. essays, museum projects, and our reading and roles for cafe.  We also visited with Mrs. Shuman in the Library.

Reading - Be ready for cafe! Also, bring your museum assignment. Spelling - Be ready for test.

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